McCain was actually delusional enough to think the Dem/lib/moderates/ would support him for refusing to bring up Obama's connection with anti-American networks in America and around the world.
HOW THE HELL WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT THESE near traitorous actions IF McCAIN didn't bring it up?
Let's face it, independant moderate Democrat voters don't read FR, or listen to Fox News, or research the Internet.
Nor do most Republicans for that matter.
I do not think that McCain realized that Obama’s “preacher” was not preaching honorable Christian teaching. (He should have.) The kind of venom that Wright was “preaching” was dangerous, and if McCain could not see that he was not qualified for that office. The few white people who go to that church must be gluttons for punishment and self-haters.
McCain allowed his MSM buddies to savage Governor Palin. Now, Senator McCain can settle back into the “collegiate fraternity” of the Senate, reach across the aisle to his heart’s content, continue tweaking the nose of the Conservatives. He almost won this thing, and would have if he’d been willing to stick by Sarah, give access to the media members who would treat the GOVERNOR of the State of Alaska with the respect that she deserved. When he saw what nastiness issued out of the mouth of “Charlie” Gibson at Governor Palin in his interrogation of her, that should have been IT! But, what’d he do . . immediately sent her into the viper pit of “Katie” Couric to be part of a vicious interview that was spliced and hatcheted to show what “Katie” wanted to show. (Katie’s a jealous witchy little brat who was steamed that Sarah was more beautiful and accomplished than her.) The SNL stuff that McCain kept signing on to further defined Sarah and him as well.
No. McCain wants to be a gentleman of the Senate; not President. I feel like I wasted my time and my money. I hope he does not jump up and start gesticulating again in 2012. The MSM loves the OLD John McCain, you know, as long as he is LOSING, and they’d push him again as a candidate. Sigh.