John McCain did not deserve a wonderful running mate like Sarah Palin.
Unfortunately it would have been a landslide without her. Looking ahead, I think Romney-Palin for 2012 or a similar combination with Sarah as VP. She needs to do some time in DC learning about the complete a$$holes that live there and in NY. Then move on to POTUS.
Exactly the reason I think Sarah might run for that soon to be open Senate seat.
u all need to get back to the republican platform. mccain seems to fit it all
fiscal responsibility being one. bush did NOT address that at all. He let spending get out of control in congress.All he had to do is address American People he never did. many didnt have a clue how far out of control spending was and many didnt have a clue about fannie mae and freddy mac and all the loans they were handing out to people who probably would never honor their contract