“OMG... what ... seance for REAGan...
Spoke to all the living presidents?????”
I was worse than that, tomnbeverly! He said something to the effect that he skipped Nancy Reagan, wasn’t into a seance...
He is an @ssh@le. That was totally uncalled for
That was a VERY NASTY swipe at Nancy Reagan. In addition, as soon as he was asked about taxes for the rich, it appears (to me) he didn’t want to tell the truth and further tank the stock market and he fell back into his stump speech and then abruptly ended a very short first news conference.
and can you all believe Granholm as part of his economic team!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its on Politico Blog now
My comment.
Funny he says he “Didn’t know” about Ayers bombing raids in the 60’s but somehow he certainly knows about Nancy Reagan consulting Astrologists in the 1980’s... Bad form Obama not a good start at all. Alienate them bigot, racist, bitter, gun clinging conservatives even further by trying to destroy their ICONIC leader.