I haven’t posted on FR for a LONG time...
This is what I just sent Harris and her Principal.
“I saw the youtube video of you making that little girl in your class almost cry because she was for McCain. What is she 12? You expect her to be able to give a detailed report on her political views? I like how you completely ignore the boy who is voting based on RACE. That would be racist. Good job letting that fly.
Not even talking about the way she treated that little girl;
It is pathetic that a racist reason is given for wanting to vote for Obama ‘i’d like a black president’ (can’t blame the boy but it still racist) and the teacher says nothing. You can imagine what would have happened if that girl had said ‘McCain, because he’s white’.
Marine Sgt. Jan Pawel Pietrzak, and his wife, Quiana, He was stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA. Lived in San Diego.