That is so silly. Impeach Obama before he takes office.
Probably half of Obama’s $$ came from illegal overseas contributions and from the undocumented US contributions. His election fraud extended to $800k+ (that we know about) contributed behind the door to ACORN who really brought new meaning to election fraud.
Next comes his sealing everything he could think of from his birth certificate, his citenship proof, education records, EVERYTHING. He is PROBABLY NOT qualified to be President but our system will NOT go after him, the Pubies will hand over the keys and HOPE for the best. IDIOTS?
Can you say MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE? Harry Truman came from a corrupt background but rose above it when he became President. I don’t expect the same from Obama BUT it is possible.
When he signs an executive order that makes 12 million illegal immigrants citizens with rights to social security etc. that will mean to me the war has started.
Well, you can sit around and wait this POS to totally corrupt our system but I prefer the Bush Doctrine of a preemptive strike.