I think the one thing we can do is start working on taking out the leftists.
Notice michael moor laid low, he is still a person we can hurt ecconomicly.
but first, we take out Oprah the racist. No amount of coaching from Dr. Phil can save her.
Are you nuts? (no offense) They just won everything and they have the media Do you have three wishes? Why didnt you use one Tuesday?
Look, if we do this right and Obama worshipers get discouraged then the public will turn on MSNBC and Oprah by about mid next year automatically. We want Oprah and Mathhews to have to defend the undefendable like we had to. Lets not screw this up with silly stuff. Pelosi kept her Moonbats in line.
Agree. GO (away) Girl! Oprah has to be taken out. We need to focus on one person at a time the way the left does. They took out George Allen and many more. And Oprah has given a very good entree with that insane sounding John Dean type scream!
“Headline” Is Oprah losing it?
Another news item was her mother refusing to pay her credit card bills (Why didn’t her loving billionaire daughter just pay it and redistribute the wealth? Hypocrite. Mother-hater.) Nobody can object to her private life being an issue after the way they put everything about Joe the Plumber into play.
These are all gifts we can use.