Back when William F. Buckley was alive I compared him to Ann. Ann is the warrior who will jump out of the trench firing a machine gun with each hand screaming "Come and get some you @$$(@((@)!". Buckley was a sniper who would carefully aim a shot and before the enemy knew what happened an officer would be slumped over dead. We need both types. Intellectualism without fire leads to discussions of the importance of Locke vs. Hume over glasses of brandy and little else. Fire without intellectualism just leads to screaming crowds without much of a direction.
Buckley would have a much better job surviving in combat, Ann could do a Rambo movie.
An example, immigration.
I was opposed to the immigration bill, and have pointed out many times that the importation of an essentially lawbreaking culture was bad for the country. Regardless of whether theyre Mexican lawbreakers crossing the Rio Grande or Eastern European lawbreakers overstaying visas. For immigrants, its the wrong way to start.
I think it's fair to say we have plenty of Ann's in the media and radio, and that much of the commentary related to the destruction of our culture. Not from the snipers perspective of lawlessness, not from a targeted perspective of economic damage, but from the rabble rousing perspective of these people, mostly family oriented, Church going Catholics from Mexico, are ruining the country.
Neither GWB nor John McCain can be described as remotely anti-Hispanic.
GWB got 44% of the Hispanic vote in 2004, an improvement on his 35% number in 2000.
McCain just lost it by a 2 to 1 margin.
Do you think there could be a connection between the untargeted warrior approach you advocate, which is unfairly blamed on the GOP and the electoral results?
Who do you think won more conservative minds, not riled up conservatives, but won them over from the left, Bill Buckley or Ann Coulter?