And that comment by Mccain regarding the economy was used by many democrats against him. Talk about giving the oppostion ammunition to use against you, ugh.
Another big mistake by McCain, I think, was in talking about keeping home prices from falling and helping people who couldn’t pay their mortgage to stay in their home. Not the kind of stuff republicans feel the government should be involved in.
As for Sarah Palin supposedly not knowing about Africa being a continent, Obama did not even know Illinois was next door to Kentucky. In his own words he said Kentucky was going for HIllary about its closeness to Arkansas, lol. Yeah, but the media didn’t make anything of that gaffe.
IIRC McCain's mortgage deal was Hillary's idea that he somehow got fed as demonstrating his disgust with wicked evil 'wall street'. Problem was he never did quite get around to naming names, most likely he would not have been able to go to that Smith dinner with his friends. Speaking of which that dinner was the most comfortable I saw McCain through out this whole campaign. He was totally within his natural surroundings.
As for Sarah Palin supposedly not knowing about Africa being a continent, Obama did not even know Illinois was next door to Kentucky. In his own words he said Kentucky was going for HIllary about its closeness to Arkansas, lol. Yeah, but the media didnt make anything of that gaffe.
Based upon what I have read thus far regarding that accusation it is not clear that what she said had anything to do with ignorance of country/continent. And for these supposed informants to be taking their own notes on her knowledge tells me that something else was actually taking place.