What hurt governor Palin was the DUMBEST move to let perky Katie interview her for 3 days and air EDITED versions of the
Palin never showed up on shows such as O’Reilley (highest rated on cable) who offered a NON-edited interview.
Tina fey did not help either.
BOR is another loofa Doofus. He should be ignored. No spin indeed.
McCain screwed her big time with their media friends.
F_*K McCain. The only reason I voted for McCain is because I didn’t want a Communist in the White House.
What hurt Palin more than that was running with RINO McCain. If the nominee had been someone even slightly more conservative they could have won. McCain is a symbol of what is wrong with the Republican party- he is not conservative. He had to hedge and even change his positions taken as a Senator to even try to get elected. When he threatened to leave the party a while back, he should have done it. The good old boys at the top of the GOP seem to think we needed him, but they don’t get it and they need to go.
Palin was put in a position of not being able to promote her conservative views because it would not have helped McCain in the campaign he chose to run. She had to be cautious of how what she said reflected on McCain much more so than she would have if she had been the running mate of a conservative.