I feel sick too.
I go back and forth between rage and numb. There’s a little bit of despair.
People are saying that this is how the Left felt when Bush won, but I don’t think it’s the same. When Bush won, there was a lot of paranoia, but most of it wasn’t based in reality. We weren’t rounded up into concentration camps. We didn’t loose our rights to free speech. We didn’t become a police state.
But Obama wants a civilian security force as well funded as the military. He TOLD us he’s raise our taxes and put the environment uber allis. He flat-out told us that our energy costs were going up and that he was going to bankrupt a key industry. He said he was going to change our constitution to a socialist document.
Hell, that was his platform!! Our fears are VERY real.
So when my heart won’t stop pounding out of my chest, when I’m throwing up off the front porch, when I can’t sleep - I HAVE DARN GOOD REASON.
The big Dem majority in Congress has rendered Obama irrelevant.