A little more on the missionary thing. I don’t mean “missionary” as in a pair of white-shirted guys cruising around suburbia. Most AOG and Bible churches of the period of her growing up had (many still have) world maps in the lobby showing where “their” missionaries serve.
I grew up in such a church. The giant missionary map was in the sanctuary with little blinking lights for eachof the 52 missionary families our church supported (50% of all collections went to missions, mostly overseas). I spent many a sermon studying the map on the wall.
Again, there is no way this Africa comment is factual.
OK, look at the weekly Wasiila Church bulletin from October 5:.
“TODAY - SUNDAY, October 5
Preaching today will be James Embree, from TEAM Missions in South Africa.”
A little further down, a report from their missionary from Alaska serving in the Philippines.
You can complain that people in missions-oriented evangelical churches aren’t good at evolution if you want, but they know geography cold.