The degree to which the MSM and the Dems have tried to destroy Palin is evidence enough that they recognize she is a political force to be reckoned with. I went to a Palin rally with my daughter in NoVA. There is a chemistry there that is hard to define. She is a natural politician. It is like seeing a gifted athlete who makes things look easy.
Palin can be a formidable political force with a little preparation. Imagine being plucked from Alaska and thrust into the middle of a national political campaign. Her performance at the convention and in the debate with Biden demonstrated her vast potential. She can get up to speed on the issues and learn Washingtonspeak. What can't be taught is the innate ability to connect with her audience. Bush, Hillary, Biden, and McCain don't have it. Obama does. And so does Palin to an even greater degree.
Hopefully, Palin will get engaged in the 2010 midterms speaking on behalf of Rep candidates. Her time will come despite the Dems, MSM, and country club RINOs attempts to destroy her.
I went to a rally in Cape Girardeau, Mo. with my two sons. We waited in line for nearly three hours only to be turned away twenty yards from the door. The venue held 6000. I bet there were twice that turned away. You're right. There was something electric, even standing in line!
Four years is a long time. Too early to count her in or out. Who knows what it will look like on the ground in 2012?