Yeah you heard right. Carl Cameron could barely contain his glee.
So, O’Stupid got an email from me:
Until Carl Cameron names sources, I don’t believe a word of his hit piece on Sarah Palin.
And shame on you for allowing him to spin without sourcing his comments with names.
If the big boys on McCain’s campaign want to criticize Palin, who did more for McCain than anyone in this election, then let them have the brass to be named.
And you called it “good reporting” . It was beneath both you and him.”
I won’t accept Palin bashing. She took a big hit for the team, and now the team wants to blame her.
Another sign the GOP is finished as a party. We need to start over with a new party. The GOP can go the way of the Whigs—they are just as powerless, rudderless, and impotent as the Whigs were in 1854.
I am so livid I can't see straight!!!!
They want to fire up the base....WELL THEY ARE!
This is sickeining beyond words!