“Anyone else e-mailing them to tell how petty this little gossip season was?
Im done with the media in this country.”
I with ya! I couldn’t find their e-mail addy so I sent a note to FOX on their news tip link regarding Carl, Shep and BOR! :)
Cameron is giddy describing Sarah errors in judgment. This is a terrible hit piece by Cameron.
Okay - now I’m really suspicious about this whole thing. Carl just said, when listing things Sarah Palin didn’t know, that she wasn’t aware of the way state governments were set up - for cryin’ out loud, she started in small local offices, to mayor to governor - yet we’re supposed to believe she doesn’t know about state governments. And she did a big oil deal with Canada but yet she doesn’t know the countries in NAFTA, three lousy countries and she doesn’t know that , puh-leez!