Posted on 11/05/2008 4:18:26 PM PST by SalukiLawyer
Edited on 11/05/2008 5:56:32 PM PST by Admin Moderator. [history]
“She did not know the countries in NAFTA.”
- - -
So what? I don’t either.
“If the GOP turns on her they may never get my independent vote again. Thats a fact, Jack.”
Seriously, we need to start thinking about a new party. This ain’t the party of Reagan anymore.
The RNC can shove it. My motto, if not conservative, I do not support, PERIOD!
I am finished with their crap.
Can’t put one over on you. Foreseeing this very circumstance, my controllers planted me hear eight years ago just to post this story criticizing Fox News.
And Joe Biden didn’t know FDR was not president that there was TV in 29
Or that obama thinks there are 57 states
Hey of the biggest in Fox are Freepers... Cavuto and Hume. If and whovever sdaid that...well that was their specific opinion
“Its only today I started hearing about early interview performances what happened?”
1) Carefully rigged and baited trap of ambiguous questions, steeped in obfuscation, prepared for Sarah Palin by news production teams.
2) Inflammatory and condescending demeanor of “journalist” during interview, attempting to put Palin on the defensive.
3) Massive editing of resultant interview tapes to show Governor Palin in the worst possible light.
4) Infiltration of Democrat and RINO trolls onto FR to perpetuate the meme of a dim Sarah Palin, ignorant of world affairs and “unprepared” for the national stage.
Conclusion: She terrifies the living crap out of their cowardly asses.
Can’t put one over on you. Foreseeing this very circumstance, my controllers planted me here eight years ago just to post this story criticizing Fox News in order to bore someone who would join four years after I did.
I can assure you that Governor Palin is quite intelligent. having seen her in person many times, her speeches were different daily, very non-rehearsed, and quite compelling. In this soundbite media we live in, anyone can be edited or spun to appear in any light meeting the objectives of the editor. I'm a college educated business owner. I know intelligence when I hear it.
IF....anyone deserves help it's the least of us.....
IF anything should define should be helping those that "absolutely" can't help themselves.
IS this all you have?? Do you not think you/me should help those that truly can't help themselves???
You have got to be kidding me..........
Sadly, IMO a pathetic stance you have taken....
On BOR a year ago or so.
Cameron is suppose to be on O’Reilly’s show tonight to blab again what he said to Shep Smith on his show.
I guess his staffers have to try and blame her rather than themselves or mcCain
Mmmm maybe McCain ran a crappy campaign?
A good honest answer. Expecting Sarah Palin to hit the campaign trail ready to go day one was probably expecting too much. But this idea that she’s not teachable... that sounds like McCain more than Sarah.
I like Carl Cameron . . he was just repeating what had been told to him off the record. Shepard Smith is the real snake in this interview.
So the question is WHY is FOX reporting this and what do they hope to accomplish by it?
Sounds like a shot across the bow for her future in GOP politics.
All in all beneath FOX NEWS and very much like the crap reported by the elite leftist media.
McCain lost because HE wanted to lose.
“Stand Up Chuck” Graham was actually DEFEATED last night by his Republican opponent for his Missouri state senate seat. He’s been in office since 1996.
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