In the 2010 midterm...and I almost wish I could move to Arizona, so I could vote against him in the primary.
The fact that Sarah Palin, the main reason most of us gave a rip about McRino, felt the need to apologize for possibly costing the top of the ticket votes, reminded me of what talk host Hugh Hewitt said about JSM: "great American, marginal conservative, terrible Republican."
But I'm not bitter...
I'm not bitter. I'm angry and I'm sad and afraid for my country. Rush can put the whole "rebuid the Conservative Movement/Party..." schpeel because that is his new thing/spin... but the fact is, we may not be able to do any of that. Forces have been unleashed, in my belief, that are going to prevent (or work very hard to keep) the Conservatives from ever regaining power matter how bad they screw [FUBAR] things up in the first year or two...
P.S. changed my tagline