I’m not blaming God,WE are to blame!!!!
Baloney. “We” didn’t do anything, we aren’t to blame, not the base. The Dems are the Godless ones, not the vast majority of Pubs. God didn’t do anything, we didn’t do anything other than fight to win. But our leaders (Bush Admin) have let us down, by opening up our borders to anyone and everyone. Too many socialistic immigrants have been let into this country who have no vested interest in the principles on which it was founded. McCain would have been as bad as Bush on this topic. But look mostly to the Dems who want to level our society to third world society status. Unfortunately they will take us down with them.
No, WE are not. The people who were either mislead or wanted socialism are to blame. God had nothing to do with it, he gives us free will to make our own choices and this is what the majority of the people in this country wanted.
I do agree that we will now pay for our sins, but it's the sin that the people voted this disaster upon us.
I did my part, I voted against socialism, I do not take blame.