Absolute BS... There is NO commonality between the Catholic Faith and the Mohammadean heresy. Islam denies Christ.
This common ground crap is a Trojan Horse, and I pray Pope Benedict XVI knows better than to appease the ecuminist fanatics who dream of a one world religion.
To believe commonality exists between Islam and Christianity is to entreat superficial platitudes at best, and implicitly deny the core of Chritian dogma at worst.
Indeed. The term “common ground” is nearly always a Trojan horse, and is one when bandied about by Islam.
Why a need to establish “common ground” anyway ?
Why not just say we are not alike and we do not share any commonality , but that is no reason for Islam to kill or to impose theocracy throughout the world.
Islam has been slaughtering people and grabbing land in Phillipines, Nigeria, Somalia etc. Islam is the murderer. They are the ones must change.