“No matter who wins Tuesday America is going to be a different country”
This is nothing but a silly person trying to say if McCain wins he won by cheating. It goes on to say the campaign was “disgusting”. Obama and his supporters attacked at very childish levels everything Republican. They are the ones who were disgusting, but in true liberal form, they want to say “everyone” was disgusting so no one is at fault. Well, we all know the liberals are at fault. The day, the very day Palin was chosen they attacked her daughter as having the baby and not Sarah. That was disgusting. They continued to attack Palin and then Joe the Plumber. They used every means of nasty, but now that they might not win they want to claim “everyone” did it; just like young teeneragers say, “But, Dad, EVERYONE does it!”
The blame for a very childish and disgusting campaign goes to Obama and his liberal supporters.
they attacked her daughter as having the baby and not Sarah.
The Marxists even sneered at 8 year old Piper when she licked her fingers to smooth her baby brother’s hair.