F” off you lying, crooked, empty suited, Soros backed Manchurian candidate, Middle American hating, Socialist, cut and run, share the wealth(you ready to do that?), can’t question his background, can’t question his association with some domestic terrorist, can’t question his working for Acorn, can’t question anything about him or it’s considered racist, sat in a church that spewed hate for twenty years and says he wasn’t there when it happened, Shady property deals in Chicago, won’t turn over his birth certificate, won’t release his two hundred and under bundle donations, when he is finally pinned down he say’s that’s not the _____ ( fill in the blank) that I used to know, propped up by the adoring media that Goebbels would be proud of, gun grabbin’ , egotistical, narcissistic, go ahead and stick scissors in babies heads at late term, oh and if late term babies happen to be born alive, stick them in a dirty linen closet until they die.... piece of feces’ that will ruin this country.
Tell us how you really feel. :)
rotflmao...come up for air.....
That’s telling him!:)
you forgot “never had a real job been sucking off the country’s teat all you adult life gun grabbing race baiting good for nothing foreign national Constitution hating reparations supporting ahole.”
Exactly, once, just ONCE, will some gutless reporter wake up and remember what his job is supposed to be. How come not one reporter has asked Obama what happened at the Khalidi dinner, Jesus, Brian Williams you spineless shill, just ask the guy what was said there, who was there, do you regret being there?
And you hit it well Ladyvet, this is the arrogance of Obama, he can’t help but let these contemptuous things slip out.
I’m fighting until Election Day.
Awesome! You need to be out there with Sarah and Joe the Plumber telling it like it is!
Semper Fi
you might want to let your true feelings about Bozo out, keeping things in leads to high blood pressure and nervous breakdown:)
Seriously, this was a super rant, one of the best I have ever read on FR!
WOW, God Bless your Heart. Can I Email to my friends?
Are you single ?