Journalism actually ended 45 years ago when the press bought into the lone assassin lie in the assassination of John Kennedy. Since we now know that there was a conspiracy that was led by Vice-President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, the insiders have known that if the American public will accept the ridiculous conclusions given by the Warren Commission and the HSCA, then the American public will believe anything.
Half of the population apparently buys the MSM contention that Obama is a credible candidate.
The conspiracy theories were first put forward by leftists to deflect the public's attention from the fact that the shooter was a leftist. Since then the media has promoted the theme that the killing of Kennedy was somehow the whole nation's fault, the result of a collective soul sickness -- rather than the fault of a lone doctrinaire Marxist.
Don't let yourself be a dupe of the left.
Actually, it was fatally infected long before that. Ever hear of Walter Duranty? He won a Pulitzer for covering up the Ukrainian starvation massacre, a Pulitzer which still stands today.
Since we now know that there was a conspiracy that was led by Vice-President Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover,
"We" don't know any such thing. What I know is that we now live in a world where cinema has displaced real life experience as a measure of events.
Two things to consider: 1) Real life differs considerably from the movies in that plots such as you imagine are hard to construct, harder to execute without a major hitch, and infinitely harder to conceal; and 2) LHO would never be included in one anyway -- definitely not a team player.
...the insiders have known that if the American public will accept the ridiculous conclusions given by the Warren Commission....
They knew that years before, as well, as they had been feeding us a line of malarkey about Mao and then Castro without any negative consequence to themselves.