The USA is about to elect a marxist who hates Western Civilization and who views White Christians as racists who need to give their money to the all-caring government.
But it won’t destroy the country. It will take a few years, but most people will realize that The All-Caring Messiah was just a fraud and roll back the damage.
“...roll back the damage.”
You mean like we’ve rolled by all of the other damage the left has done to us?:
Social security
Welfare State
Intense regulation
I’m amazed at how many Republicans don’t get it.
Folks, once it is there you have a much bigger problem than a simple “roll back”.
Once it is in place you first have to peal-off on the greedy little mouths that have latched-on to that new gov’t teet.
Then, if you survive the oh-so public political flogging for being a cruel, fat-cat, white-male, un-feeling Republican, you can attempt legal or legislative remedies. THIS IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO DO!!!!!!!!!
If you give them power they will rip it from your hand and BEAT YOU SENSELESS WITH IT.
There is no coming back from this!
Use your heads, for Christ’s sake.