“I dont know who’s writing your questions.”
You don’t suppose the Obama campaign is writing questions for...nah. Couldn’t be. Seriously. I think the mainstream press is fully capable of being that servile on its own.
The video has suddenly disappeared down the rabbit hole, and also missing from YouTube. WTF is going on/
Or was he implying that a female interviewer must be a bimbette, who could not come up with tough questions on her own?
The media’s reaction is one of the hardest things to understand. Don’t they know how expendable they are? Don’t they know they are just tools? How many stations does a N. Korean radio receive? How many stories did the Soviets allow to be written? How many reporters were allowed to exist in Hitler’s world or Mao’s? They all should be forced to write, not allowed to, so then they might see what life could become under Obama’s Amerika or whomever is controlling him.