“Oh, right, and they just photo-shopped him into that picture, eh?”
He admitted being endoresed by them- the caption next to the photo says that he was “endorsed” by the NP.
My personal take is that Jeremiah Wright’s sermons are what we should be spending our 527 money on. The whole New Party thing had a chance to catch fire a couple of weeks ago when it was released, which makes me think that the Hannities of the world have looked into it, not to mention the McCain campaign. The NRO “Corner” blog linked to this story 2 weeks ago, and I know for a fact that McCain campaign reads that blog. I was very excited about the New Party stuff 2 weeks ago, and when the McCain campaign said they would be breaking big news one morning I hoped that would be it. But it never went anywhere which makes me think Obama has plausiable deniability, such as through having formally run as a democrat.
Let’s remember- we’ve got tapes of Obama’s spiritual adviser of 20 years damning America. A 527 group should run that tape continuously.
You said,
‘Jeremiah Wrights sermons are what we should be spending our 527 money on. ... Lets remember- weve got tapes of Obamas spiritual adviser of 20 years damning America. A 527 group should run that tape continuously.’
Well put.
Comment 72, BTTT.
Surely there is someone out there in Chicago who can place Obama or Michelle at attendance of a hate-filled Wright sermon.