No. I am for Duncan Hunter’s plan.
Build secure double fencing, and deport every single illegal alien, punish companies that hire them, and end the anchor baby facade.
And Obama/Biden/Pelosi will listen to Duncan Hunter how?
I know it may be hard for you, but think about it.
No. I am for Duncan Hunters plan.
Ducan hunter isn’t running...
McCain and Obama are. I hate McCain, but I prefer him to Obama.
So doing it your way (or Duncan’s way) would deport every single illegal alien, & punish companies who hire them. Exactly how do you (or does he) plan to pay for this? The cost to execute this plan would be astronomical. It would likely triple (or more) the size of the INS — and require another level of government just to carry it out.
So your way means even bigger govt. No thanks.
Duncan Hunter got five tenths of a percent of the vote in the primaries.... that isn’t even enough to be a good joke.... forget Duncan Hunter, he is retiring, his days in political office are done.... time to grow up pissant.