Posted on 10/22/2008 6:00:57 AM PDT by Dutchgirl
In July, before an overarching Wall Street bailout was part of the national vocabulary, President Bush signed a piece of legislation called the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. This bill provided funds to bail out bad borrowers and grants for states to buy foreclosed homes. It also created a permanent Affordable Housing Trust Fund a large slush fund that conservatives complained would be exploited by such left-wing groups as ACORN, which has its own housing corporation, allowing them to fund political activities.
But that law, which also included a belated and vain attempt to save Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, contains a provision which becomes pertinent in light of the ongoing voter-fraud scandal involving ACORNs submission of apparently fraudulent voter registrations in several states. An amendment to the housing bill, submitted by Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.), contains the following language:
SEC. 2304. LIMITATION ON DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS. (a) IN GENERAL. None of the funds made available under this title or title IV shall be distributed to (1) an organization which has been indicted for a violation under Federal law relating to an election for Federal office; or (2) an organization which employs applicable individuals. Applicable individuals is then defined to include contractors, permanent employees, and others acting under a groups authority, who are indicted on federal charges related to elections to federal office.
This provision made it into the bill on unanimous consent on April 9, amid several other amendments, to the notice of almost no one. It is rather obvious from the context that DeMint had ACORN in mind when he wrote it. While there may not ever have been federal election-related charges laid against ACORN employees, there have been a number of state charges, indictments, and convictions.
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Good work...hope it passed, right under their noses!
It passed in July. I think it was the original $300 billion before the $700 Billion. I keep hearing dems claim that “we bailed out banks without a penny for homeowners in the $700 Billion” It looks like the $300 Billion slipped their minds.
If Lord Obama wins, with Pelosi and Reid as the other stooges, ACORN, the shock troops of voter fraud, will not just be reinstated, they will be institutionalized to ensure there’s ever again a fair election.
Does this mean that for the last eight years, taxpayers have been subsidizing this criminal organization?
What in hell are our Republicans doing in Washington?
You're right about this.
Ignoring their constituents- a la my rep. Ander Crenshaw? Losing badly due to the porked out transportation bill a la 2006? Lining their own pockets- a la Denny Hastert? Diddling a la Newt Gingrich and Larry Craig? Selling us out to the illegals a la McCain, McConnell and Kyl?
They've obviously got more important things to do than count beans. After all-it's not like it's their money...
The next time the GOP gains a majority in Congress, they better know what to do with it, other that sit on their thumbs and rotate.
MINE TOO!!! God bless Jim Demint!
Even the Morning Joe crew looked at RFK Jr with wide eyed incredulity.
So, we need to get ACORN "indicted for a violation under Federal law relating to an election for Federal office", to get them federally de-funded.
And this kids, is how you play the game.
It is money. OUR money.
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