Volunteer and donate. We will hold Pres McCain’s feet to the fire.
RE “Volunteer and donate. We will hold Pres McCains feet to the fire.”
Like you did Bush? With a democratic majority??
“Volunteer for ???? You don’t mean for McCain do you? I can’t promote him with a straight face. I may donate to a 527 that has a message I agree with but. . How can I go out and tell people?: “John’s a reformer, not a republican. Both parties mainly my party caused this mess, but not me the independent reformer. John is for cutting taxes and drilling. He was against it a few months ago but switched his positions in the middle of an election because of principle, not politics. And he’s against pork, and earmarks, and deficits, except the 700B investor/bank bailout bill, he voted for that because it’s the best congress would pass and we had to do something immediately” ??
I cannot defend mCCain. can you???