I find it humorous that you point to my spelling when you don’t even use full sentences. Also, it’s awfully sleazy to modify another persons quote and represent it as an actual quote. That’s a lame debate tactic.
My point remains the same. Electrician, plumber et.al are not high concept jobs. The drawings are provided by the engineer(s). If they disagree with what is called out, they can bring it to the attention of the “clerk of the works”. The clerk will engage the engineer(s).
You assume that no-one knows what these trades guys do for a living. A few are excellent and highly skilled, a great many are not much more than trained monkeys who do their time (and little else) and leave.
With 25 years in nuclear reactor design and submarine construction I think that my credentials speak for themselves, and just so we’re clear, that’s doctor, to you.