My wife and I found ourselves talking about other things about half way through EVERY response Nobama had! Nobama was rambling, off message and wayyyyy too wordy for my taste.
IMHO McCain kicked Nobamas A$$ all over this debate!
I really don't understand what most of these people saw tonight!
They remind me of toddlers who receive a gift and are more impressed with the box than what is in it.
I’ve been saying since the 2004 Democrat convention speech that Obama gave that he sounded exactly like Marjoe Goertner, the fraudulent boy evangelist. He used the same emotional buzzwords and cadence that is typical of phony evangelists in tent meetings.
The real truth is what real people saw. The talking heads on Fox and other channels are out of touch. I think that many folks saw a real difference tonight. Just because the focus group said they though BO was a better debater — they thought he was also slick which was considered a drawback. One guy said he’s not voting for a debater.
Nonetheless, we though John McCain won hands down. And it will make a difference. BO was also smirking and even laughing — even when ACORN was brought up. Nothing funny about voter fraud. I hope they make that one into a commercial using the split screen. And the quip about McCain not being Bush...outstanding!
They need to hammer all of this — particularly ACORN and the Fannie Freddie issues. These are game changers. We agree that Ayers and Odinga and Wright and Dohrn are all big deals — many folks are just not caring or interested.