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Could it be that R’s have better things to do with their time?
As a Gamer I’ve generally found that gamers tend to live in kind of a fantasy world. There is a great tendency to see the world for what it should be rather than what it is. Visit any forum for roleplaying and you will see what I mean.
But there is another factor at work here. A programmer can earn more money by doing less glamourous work outside the world of gaming. Obviously then the people who go into gaming tend to dream of being the gaming equivalent to rockstars while more serious and conservative people get ‘real’ jobs.
But the important thing about this whole matter is how liberal ideas have come to dominate this form of media just like liberals dominate TV and other media. It is a common thing to see hippie political views in games. -Evil capitalists who try to conquer the world, corrupt government officials, technology/industry as a bad thing that destroys the environment, all war is for oil and so on.. Any child that sits down to play games will be bombarded by hippie ideals, and many do start to see the world as the hippies do. If conservatives had any sense we would make an effort to wrest control of this and other medias while we still can.