He has a PAC in place to help elect conservatives to the senate. The site is http://www.senateconservatives.com and they are looking for supporters...
He was on the Glen Beck radio show this morning. He said he had been in the negotiation room, and when he suggested that the approach being pushed by the administration was incorrect, he was uninvited.
He also said that none of the people in the room had strong confidence that the 700 billion dollar authorization to the administration would resolve the economic tumble that is underway. They are uncertain that it will "work" at all. Also that a fall is inevitable, the only question is how fast - this measure is aimed at slowing the rate of slowdown, perhaps to make it less perceptible. Like boiling a frog - can't raise the temperature too quickly, they jump.
Other of his remarks were generally that Congress has been spending beyond its means, and that the public debt, on the order of 10 trillion dollars, simply can't be sustained.
He sounded "good," as in not dispirited, and he spoke with conviction and resolve. But he is also disappointed, He's the only Senator, as far as I'm concerned, who shouldn't be ashamed. The rest of them deserve to be shamed - even Senator Coburn who is usually a darn good fiscal conservative - he ought to be ashamed for not taking this opportunity speak out, and urge Congress to abandon it's reckless disregard for fiscal reality.