Whether or not you are offended by the mere suggestion of incest in a joke is one thing. But to suggest that that sketch was an attack on the Palin family is laughable. No thinking human being could see that as anything other than an attack on the NY Times and liberal elites.
People are being counterproductive by expressing outrage at the wrong times. The Hillary/Palin, Alaska Pete, and McCain ad sketches were clearly directed at smearing Republicans. But everyone picks the one skit this year that smears liberals as elitist liers who are out of touch with middle America and THAT'S the sketch they choose to complain about????? No wonder the liberals have such an easy time convincing independants that we are all wackos.
You just made the claim that you are a thinking person, and any body that doesn't agree with you does not think. Your argument is based on snob appeal. You can't base an argument on a fallacy.
By the way, what would you say if a reporter in a newspaper wrote that he didn't believe any of those rumors that you had sex with a dog?