The government, union workers retires have, or will, move out to Florida, Texas. So we'll see the northern states go the way of Detroit, Buffalo but state wise.
And what ever pension money is extracted will be spent in Texas, the south. Of course these people will run for local office, and cause the spending to be replicated, much like human virus.
I was out in a rural county in Colorado ten years ago. The locals were getting property taxed out by retired California teachers that were demanding town services like they had back in California.
Good citizens drive out bad, be it gang bangers, or Democrats.
As a New Yorker I sometimes joke that my educational taxes are educating the future work force of Texas and North Carolina.
I was out in a rural county in Colorado ten years ago. The locals were getting property taxed out by retired California teachers that were demanding town services like they had back in California.”
I prefer the “Liberal Locust Syndrome”