If religion is objective, why is there so much disagreement over theology? There should be very little if any disagreement on anything that is objetively verifiable.
Religion is objective. I can objectively look at the Mormon church, the Roman church, or a Lutheran church and systematically categorize and explain the beliefs of those churches. I can gather statistics on membership. I can gather statistics on income. I can gather demographic information. I can list church addresses and phone numbers.
Theology and religion are different. A certain theological position can officially be embraced and endorsed by a religion. But personal theological understanding IS subjective. In fact it's dangerous to blindly accept the objective theological position of a religion without ever having a subjective experience....the "knowing" that it's true. It's as equally dangerous for scientists to embrace the consensus opinion without "knowing" that it's true. Science is science because it's objective and subjective. An objective position should be able to be subjectively proven. I should be able to add 2 and 2 for myself before accepting the notion that 2 plus 2 equals 4. If not than I'm guilty of the same thing as the religionist, blind faith based upon a consensus of opinion.