Do you actually think that is worth $500 to me? LOL I want you to do it so that you can figure out what is happening. You should be paying me for the tutoring.
No one ever got rich throwing good money to lost causes.
What ever gave you that impression? Do I really need to spell it out? You are the lost cause.
I would have accepted a wager, but you don't even have enough money to go to the library and I don't like taking food out of someones mouth.
I will give you some free job advice though. Idaho is offering a 100% tax rebate on all alternative energy installations. Basically solar panels are free to any taxpaying homeowner. Anyone who can't make a couple of grand a day installing solar systems deserves to stay unemployed and broke.
Of course installers would need to know that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. That may be a hard concept for you to understand : )