Screw Heart, the soundtrack for this news is Chicago’s “Beginnings”!
Do not get cocky. We still have a lot of work to do. That is what exactly Sarah would tell us.
I prefer a song that im sure Sarah probably shot hoops to in High School.
"If you listen, you can hear it.
It's the laughter in the street.
Its the motion in the music,
and the fire beneath your feet.
All the signs are right this time.
You don't have to try so very hard.
If you live in this world,
Youre feelin the change of the guard!
We can make it happen.
Beginnings (Long Version), perfect.
“Beginnings” was played after Bill Clinton’s nomination speech at the 1996 convention without Chicago’s permission. The members of Chicago thought it was fine.
Everybody forgets that it was “McCain Train,” not “Barracuda,” was played right after McCain’s speech. “Barracuda” was really just secondary entertainment for the delegates.