He can be beaten but it will be a serious fight.
Yes, he throws mud (or he lets his people do it) but he doesn’t get his hands dirty.
He’s also superb at preempting criticism by bringing any dirty laundry out himself. I really believe that’s what his two books were for.
And he definitely stays cool and collected. It’s going to be a titanic battle - Palin is proving to be a cool, collected and tough customer herself. And considering McCains history, he ain’t going to be nobody’s pushover.
I’m curious about other elements of his experience, too. I keep seeing references to his stint teaching Constitutional Law at University of Chicago Law School... but haven’t ever seen anything written about WHAT he taught about the Constitution or the Law in that role... and, in the electoral context, it is far more important what he thought and said about his subject than simply that he taught.
Was he a good and honest teacher... or did he apply a typical left wing law school professors bias against the Constitution’s plain meaning, and in favor of whatever it is that left wing lawyers would rather have it say right now ?
Who were his students, and what did they think of him and his classroom expression of opinions?