She analyzed his body language in the interview with O’Reilly and said, “This is really good, Bill, here he is trying to draw you closer to him” and later, “Here he just wants you to understand the point he is trying to make.” (not verbatim, but close.) And she described it, as if she was talking about a sweet little child. (I was waiting for the Awwwww.)
Earlier, she said that Sarah Palin (whom she admitted, she had never seen speak before) comes across as arrogant. Later in the conversation (after she reiterated “arrogant” for BOR), she pronounced Palin’s smile was “smug”.)
I am sure this clip would only get hearts and flowers from her.
I wrote asking him if it ever occurred to either of them that mabye he CAN'T clasp his hands behind him (or that it would be an uncomfortable position) because of his injuries while a POW. I can't believe neither one of them thought of that.