McCain’s spokesman on FNS was much better than Obama’s. Team Obama is really taken off track with the selection of Palin on the ticket.
When asked when will Palin take some questions from the media, McCain’s spokesman had a good answer. He essentially said that media’s treatment of Palin at the outset has been disgraceful, and once the feeding frenzy is over and they stop using the dkos (he didn’t say that I did) she will take interviews. he complemented Greta on her great documentary on Palin last night and reminded the media there is plenty of information on Palin out there and they should do their own research and not rely on the lefty blogs for info.
He was much better than Axelrod.
I give some credit to Geraldine Ferraro. Ferraro said she appreciated Sarah Palin being the first woman candidate to acknowledge Ferraro’s candidacy, and she defended Sarah over the criticisms concerning Sarah’s family and personal issues.
Ferraro finally admitted she would not vote for Sarah because of issue positions, but continues to defend Sarah from these outrageous personal attacks.