Like it or not, she will eventually have to get out there and show she can answer questions. Otherwise, at some point even average folk will see it as ducking.
My prediction is to throw Katie Couric a bone, and do the first interview with her.
If she were any other pol, I’d agree. Since she is so well liked as an unknown outsider, the McCain people could shut the msm out, and use their mistreatment of Palin as the reason. They could have her talk to the people directly at rallies or w/ friendly talk show hosts, and knock the msm out of their role as kingmaker. They could reset the playing field.
A collateral bonus would be the msm talking amongst themselves about the Palin position, bellyaching and whining, would take away air time they could have spent talking about their beloved Obama. The msm is so full of themselves, I could see them making the Palin snub an issue larger than the debatable issues between Mac and o.
It won’t happen, but I’d like to see it. I think it would work in this one instance.