To: Jaguarmike
Joe finally shifts into high gear at the end of his speech.
2,037 posted on
09/02/2008 7:57:19 PM PDT by
(God's Got It. Roger that.)
To: silent_jonny
Yes, Lieberman actually finished on a very high note.
To: silent_jonny
“We need a president our enemies will fear” Good line!
2,058 posted on
09/02/2008 7:58:41 PM PDT by
("We didn't seek the approval of Code Pink and before deciding what to do")
To: silent_jonny
Very Courageous of Joe. He must be horrified at the state of his party in today’s world. Country First!
2,112 posted on
09/02/2008 8:01:34 PM PDT by
Mr. Binnacle
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