To: hsalaw
1,208 posted on
09/02/2008 7:09:46 PM PDT by
(Vote the mavericks, McCain/Palin in 2008!)
To: tioga
Yay! I’m staying up late for this lol
1,233 posted on
09/02/2008 7:10:47 PM PDT by
( or visit my freeper page)
To: tioga
I voted for Fred in the primary. he got 8 votes out of 2000 in my town.
1,238 posted on
09/02/2008 7:11:02 PM PDT by
(For liberals there is no end to their rights and no beginning to their responsibilities.)
To: tioga
SMACK DOWN ON HOLLYWOOD! GO FRED! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson