To: txflake
It will be so surreal when he is no longer our POTUS. I’m a little nervous about it too.
To: toomanygrasshoppers
The success of the surge ... the great untold story. Darned leftist media.
1,071 posted on
09/02/2008 7:00:37 PM PDT by
("With mistakes like Palin, McCain doesn't need any successes. "~Nick Danger)
To: toomanygrasshoppers
Love the new day. Pass me some kleenex.
To: toomanygrasshoppers
One thing...I’ll be crying like an infant when he leaves...but at least they won’t be turning the keys back over to the Klintoons!
Now it’s Ronnie!
1,190 posted on
09/02/2008 7:07:57 PM PDT by
(The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing-----Edmund Burke)
To: toomanygrasshoppers
One thing...I’ll be crying like an infant when he leaves...but at least they won’t be turning the keys back over to the Klintoons!
Now it’s Ronnie!
1,202 posted on
09/02/2008 7:09:13 PM PDT by
(The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing-----Edmund Burke) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson