To: frogjerk
1,040 posted on
09/02/2008 6:58:10 PM PDT by
(It's the Spending, Stupid! (not the method of collection))
To: RobFromGa
The ANGRY LEFT...Right on!
1,047 posted on
09/02/2008 6:58:46 PM PDT by
(McCain - you did the right thing by selecting Palin as VP)
To: RobFromGa
WOO HOO President!!! Hitting hard and truthful!!!!!
1,057 posted on
09/02/2008 6:59:32 PM PDT by
(I will lift mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord...Ps 121)
To: RobFromGa
That’s it? One indirect line??? That explains why we’re in the mess we’re in.. He’s always reticent to get his hands dirty... How about, after 8 years of being pounded by the lying scum left, fighting back HARD????
1,207 posted on
09/02/2008 7:09:28 PM PDT by
NYC Republican
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