From one Reagan related screen name to another, this situation is very relevant to President Reagan. Ronald Reagan and Nancy Davis didn't have a teenage child who conceived out-of-wedlock, THEY conceived a child out-of-wedlock as adults. No one here is condoning the sin in either case, but you and a small group of faux-righteous are claiming that this shows poor judgment on McCain's part. How could you ever have supported Pres. Reagan when his "error in judgment" was so much greater? We are all sinners, and Pres. Reagan and Bristol Palin both responded to their sin as honorably as possible by marrying or intending to marry their child's other parent. I'm seeing a fair number of good people on this thread pushing themselves on to the wrong side of this issue.
People shouldn't be celebrating unwed teen pregnancies.
Especially not traditional conservatives.
It will cost McCain votes on election. No doubt about it.
Is that true?
I do see that they married on March 4, 1952 and Patti was born Oct 21, 1952.