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This brilliant strategic and tactical maneuver has completely changed the dynamic of the election.

Besides confounding the opposition ( just watch TV, or visit the Kook sites... ) it tells me Senator McCain has an eye to the future of both country, and party.

Stay tuned- it is going to get "interesting..."

1 posted on 08/30/2008 8:58:21 AM PDT by backhoe
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Maggie’s Farm: a great bunch of links you don’t find everywhere, as usual.

The 2008 political soap opera continues

129 posted on 09/03/2008 7:35:00 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Once again, The Anchoress does it so well:

Running Sarah Palin Thread of Hate & Doooom!

Regarding Gov. Sarah Palin, the press and the Angry Left remind me of those beetles in the film The Mummy - the pass over something in a swarm and it is destroyed and stripped bare…we must be reaching the climax of Palinsanity, or will do so tonight, because I don’t see how this intense, unhinged hate can go much further. But haters always manage to surprise me…There is so much out there that this is going to be a day-long post…pretend that I am Instapundit, culling interesting stories (though I could never do it as brilliantly as Glenn) specifically about Palin, Obama, McCain, the Convention and the Angry Left Press - that’s pretty much what we should be calling them now, right? The Angry Left Press? Anyway, scroll down, then read your way back up, so that the latest stuff is on top!

4:12 PM The Other Side of Change; Obama and Saul Alinksy

4:10 PM Dishonest, tacky and not really journalism. Is this sort of advocacy smearing what they teach at prestigious j-schools today? Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guardians? I guess, the bloggers. Or some. Other bloggers seem to distract and feed the guardians.

4:03 Neo - so infuriated she is calling for the Vestal Virgins

3:50 PM: What is it with Democrats and Imaginary Sniper Fire?. They “joked” about it with Bush, even before he was president. Hillary imagined it all around her. I suspect it’s because they came up in the 60’s and snipers have come to symbolize something great and terrible to them. Also, because they are relentless drama queens. And Biden is one of the biggest! And no, I’m not calling him “gay.” You don’t have to be gay to be a drama queen.

3:50 PM Meanwhile, at another part of the ranch: things in Iraq continue to look positive

3:47 PM Just noticed several donation notifications from the Amazon Honor and Paypal buttons. Thank you; it is very much appreciated. A few have no names, I don’t know how to thank you personally, but please accept my humble thanks.

3:21 PM Patterico on why the press is in hissyfit/tantrum mode Iconic MidWest chimes in

3:14 PM Siggy has why she just scares the left to death Also, heh.

Another Shana button, picking up from here

2:55 PM Cobb says Gov. Palin handling a 10 Billion dollar budget ain’t beanbag.

2:49 PM Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!: More on destroying Palin here. They want her DNA!

In an extraordinary and emotional interview, Steve Schmidt said his campaign feels “under siege” by wave after wave of news inquiries that have questioned whether Palin is really the mother of a 4-month-old baby, whether her amniotic fluid had been tested and whether she would submit to a DNA test to establish the child’s parentage.

The press is taking its editorial orders from the farthest extreme of the sociopath left, and those lunatics STILL want to try to run with the “Bristol is Trig’s real mother” insanity. Can you believe it? Can you hear the Witch of the West sending forth the flying monkeys? McCain blasts the media

2:30 PM Peggy Noonan: Of course they must destroy Palin; It’s a fantastic piece - read it all, and then remind yourself of what yer Anchoress always says: “Hate consumes the hater”…and “the left always, always overplays its hand.” The right sometimes does, as well. But the left…always. They’re counting on reactions from their stereotypes of Evangelicals. But they neither know nor understand Evangelicals. Which is, as I said here, perhaps why they fear Palin so much.

2:22 PM What does Joe Biden’s daughter’s arrest say about his parenting, his judgment, his abilities to be a vice president? Ugh. I feel dirty just playing that game ironically.

2:02: I’m listening to Ann Compton on ABC radio. She sounds like she is talking between closed teeth. “Sar-ah Pa-lin…con-ser-va-tism…” she sounds really unhappy.

2:00 Why Authenticity Matters: Dick Meyer - in his book Why We Hate Us discusses how incredibly rare authenticity is in America, particularly in politics. Kristol shares an email with Gingrich on The Power of Authenticity:

The power of Palin is that she is so out of the establishment, and so out of the talking-heads, inside-the –Beltway-elite mindset, that the 80 per cent of Americans who believe we are on the wrong track suddenly can identify with someone who isn’t part of what got us on that track.

Palin will make mistakes. The news media and the Obama researchers will find things to attack. But if she stays relaxed and continues to be authentically who she has been for 44 years, the country is going to love her, and they are very rapidly going to get disgusted with the cynical negative nastiness of politics as usual.

I don’t think the press can see that, yet. Btw, Dick Meyer is interviewed by Siggy, Shrinkwrapped and Dr. Sanity here, and discusses Why We Hate Us.

1:57 PM Maxed Out Mama: Pound too low/Oil too high. Sounds like a Marvin Gaye song!

1:53 PM The New Republic: The Case Against the Case Against Palin:

What the Republicans missed about Sarah Palin then–and what the Democrats seem poised to miss now–is that she is a true political savant; a candidate with a knack for identifying the key gripes of the populace and packaging herself as the solution. That keen political nose has enabled her to routinely outperform her resume. Nearly two years into her administration, she still racks up approval ratings of 80 per cent or better.

Sarah Palin is a living reminder that the ultimate source of political power in this country is not the Kennedy School or the Davos Summit or an Ariana Huffington salon; even now, power emanates from the electorate itself. More precisely, power in 2008 emanates from the working class electorates of Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Sooner or later, the Obama camp will realize that the beauty pageant queen is an enormously talented populist in a year that is ripe for populism. For their own sake, it had better be sooner.

I’m starting to think that the elitists simply won’t permit themselves to go there.

11:48 PM Speaking of Althouse: She’s pretty much wall-to-wall Palin, like me. Go over and keep scrolling!

From the Great Althouse: Yes, the “f-word” is there. Deal. Watch this every time it all “gets to be too much.” I know it’s meant to denigrate McCain/Palin, but I rather liked it. Might backfire a little on the very excellent satirists who are undoubtedly clever.

1:30 PM Stephen Hayes: Media descends to a new low. Credibility zero.

Thomas Lifson Palin and the two Americas

1:23 PM Message to Mark S; Does this woman really seem incompetent to you? And NO, she does not want creationism taught in school It’s another lie; she said it should not be in the curriculum, but a student should be able to bring it up for open discussion. You can look it up, instead of just repeating what you hear. But I notice the big “don’t be evil” search engine seems to be shuffling; things are harder to find today than they were yesterday. In my searches, I DID see the Kos instructions on “how liberals should talk about Sarah Palin and Creationism” so I see you were under instruction.

12:59 PM Brief Announcement: Please don’t expect me to engage in debate with you in the comments section just now. That’s something I do when I have time and inclination, it is not an obligation. My archives are extensive and complete, and I write all day long; I’m sure if you really need to see what I think about pretty much anything, you can find it. And yes, there is a whole category on Sarah Palin. I’m all for debate, and discussion. I’m all for scrutiny, and for criticism where it is warrented. But let’s try to make the not-difficult distinction between “scrutiny” and “character assassination.” For heaven’s sake, Sarah Palin has been running a whole state - one that looks at Russia and borders Canada and involves our energy policy - for two years, and before that she ran a town for 8 years. Let’s talk about how well or badly she did that, can we? Rather than indulging in fake moralizing about how “women can’t do” what Palin clearly does?

Can we finally, even a little, talk about how Obama’s people are getting thuggish in their attempts to NOT talk about his association with Bill Ayers? No?

12:31 Sally Quinn, an expert on all things religious, as evidenced by her insistence that she was correct and respectful when she (non-Catholic) received communion at Tim Russert’s funeral, tells Soledad O’ Brien (paraphrased) “we sophisticated beltway women can have careers and children, but Palin is white trash with FIVE kids (!) and one of them is “severely disabled” (likely she knows no one with Down Syndrome) and her pregnant daughter is ‘also a child’” (direct quote! Wait! Isn’t she ‘a mature woman capable of making her own choices about abortion and sex’? suddenly she’s a 12 year old?) She and Soledad display ignorance and bigotry and they shame themselves as they coze together describing how “how we live does not work for Evangelical women” (of whom they know many, I’m sure) who are - of course - the wrong sorts of women, and really, hardly even women at all! To these elitists, the husband is irrelevant. Family support is irrelevant. Palin must be demonized, even if it demonizes millions of women. I ask it again: Where is that “advocate and champion for women and children”, Hillary Rodham Clinton? Also, Hillary Clinton had “help” raising her ONE child. Why shouldn’t Sarah have some for her “five children…one with special needs and the 17 year old is a child, too” (direct quote again.)

I am appalled, and I have known feminists were phonies since the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill stuff. Now they are destroying their own credibility just to destroy Palin. Well, we all know that hate consumes the hater.

12:26 PM DeLay to Media: Keep it Up

12:20 PM Drew M: A Tale of Two Conventions. My commentary on it here.

12: 18 PM: Deacon Greg reviews my review of Thomas Williams’ Greater Than You Think, of sort of.

12:15 PM MUST READ: How Sarah Palin Negotiated with BP: This breakdown of what Palin has done in Alaska might be useful “experience” in a veep or president, no? I mean, if you’re thinking and not just hating?

12:11 PM Troopergate PDF: “For the record, no one ever said fire Wooten [Palin brother-in-law]. Not the Governor. Not Todd [Palin's husband]. Not anyone of the staff …” Hey, don’t confuse the issue with facts!

12:04 PM My Piece from the Wee Small Hours: Where is Hillary in all This and where is the Free Press?

12:10 PM Siggy links to Spengler: How Obama Manged to Lose the Election.

11:59 AM: From a Cynical Alaskan: How Sarah Palin handled corruption

11:56 AM Abstinence Only and Sex Ed: Do either of them work effectively as currently taught? It’s a discussion we really need to have, and Megan MCardle is trying. We need to have it honestly, without the media framing either. You can take a non-scientific, non-representative poll about it here.

11:55 AM Media Mythbusters: Lorie Byrd on Incorrect information still posted at the NY Times and now the morning chat shows are reiterating the debunked nonsense about Palin and the AIP. A liberal blogger manages to do what the NY Times cannot. That’s gracious and cool.

11:51 AM Giuliani with Brokaw: Palin has “considerably more experience” than the top of the Democrat Ticket.

11:49 AM Heh. “Palin’s run a state, Obama’s run a rock concert!”

11:33 AM Coming from Dan Riehl: Has the Obama campaign “gotten to someone” in Alaska? This is pretty interesting. Last week we read: Democratic State Senator Hollis French, who is overseeing the investigation, says that the Palin administration has been cooperating and that subpoenas are unnecessary.. Now: Alaska state senator Hollis French, who is running an investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin, says the McCain campaign is using stall tactics to prevent him from releasing his final report by Oct. 31st. So much for “Change”? You decide.

11:43 AM It occurs to me that when the McCain/Palin camp said there were “no surprises” out there, it was because they thought there was nothing that reasonable people could not agree was smallcakes, like the “trooper firing that rocked America.” They were not counting on the ability and desire of the Angry Liberal Press to turn anything into a “scandal de jour.” And again, I think McCain is on his heel a little, surprised that “his friends” in the press are not only capable of doing this, but gleeful about it. He should have known better. Clinton fired 93 US Attorneys ,a href=”″>in one fell swoop Bush fired 8. Whose firings were “a scandal”? Well, neither of them, really, but they tried to make Bush’s firings seem like an impeachable defense.

11:41 AM A Fork In the Road to Palin’sTroopergate? AJ Strata thinks so. I’ve learned not to be optimistic where this woman and the press is concerned, and she’s only been on the national stage for 144 hours. How sad is that?

11:36 AM Li’l Bro Thom: “I bet the Palin cover sells more copies. Come to think of it, I do recall reading that these other covers were low-sellers.

11:29 AM Rick Moran writes that smaller bloggers are feeling dissed by the RNC. As a smaller blogger I know the feeling - it’s a Rodney Dangerfield sort of thing.

11:26 AM Obama’s Leadership Skills Once Again Called Into Question: Hey, he told the press and the angry left to leave Palin’s family alone and he said it forcefully, and they patted him on the head, said - “very good, nice soundbite, we’ll praise you” - and then went right on with their swarm. Was also noted here

11:20 AM Wall Street Journal: The Miserable Curs in the press, and all their shifting goalposts and morals. Okay, that’s not the title. But same thing.

11:15 AM Melissa Clothier: The Press Needs a Good Chiropractor. Apparently an ethics advisor, too.

From February 2006:

A New Entry in the SDA Dictionary

left•og•y•ny [left-oj-uh-nee] – noun; hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women who are seen as straying from the current liberal doctrine. This is a mental disorder held by most left-wing men and women who feel that women are betraying their gender by exhibiting signs of conservatism. i.e. Christian, family oriented, Republican, NRA member, pro-life (see Alaska governor, Sarah Palin)

Posted by The Greek at 9:44 AM | Comments (42)  "Gov. Palin is seen as a tremendous threat to the class-based structure of the Left. That's because she's not operating within a class structure; there's genuine equality within her outlook."
Yet more…

…on Sarah Palin’s libertarian governing style.

Bonus: Seems the GOP establishment in AK hates Palin almost as much as establishment feminists do.

Good sign, you ask me.

McCain Greets The Palin Family (pictures)

To the DNC and Your Rumor-Mongering Minions:SHE'S OUR SARAH AND YOU CAN'T HAVE HER

--the DNC is circulating a memo outlining an agenda to force Palin to quit.

Figures... Obama Camp Behind Palin Smears

Dems Call Palin Experience Ad 'Ridiculous' (and which of the 57 states did Obama govern?)

Us Magazine Takes Down Palin Poll Becasuse 71% Supported Palin - (LINK to results)

[Peggy] Noonan, [Mike] Murphy trash Palin on hot mic: 'It's over'


Top Dem Estrich: 30% of Clinton Backers Could Vote for McCain/Palin

Why Obama Can't Close the Sale

Biden Threatens Bush, Bush Administration

 "Biden also promised that an Obama-Biden government would go through Bush administration data with "a fine-toothed comb" and pursue criminal charges if necessary."

Yep, just what the American people want. Not saving Social Security, not saving Medicare, not addressing energy needs, just more of the same crap. McCain ought to put Biden saying this in a commercial, noting all the other problems we have, and have McCain say, "No crap like this on my watch!". The "MoveOn's" will think it's great and the rest of the country will get angry and vote for McCain.


Border drug wars threaten U.S.-'Deadly force' spills over from Mexico

A NZ MP says what Canadian MPs will not dare about climate
ADVICE ON powering your home in a disaster.
Nice storm track picture.

131 posted on 09/03/2008 2:00:51 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Conservative of the future

SARAH Palin is the most brilliant, bold, risky, dynamic-changing and consequential choice of vice-presidential running mate that John McCain could possibly have made.

The left-liberal media in the US are in a panic. And their loyal Australian imitators are regurgitating a stream of derivative anti-Americanism and cultural sneering entirely imitative of their big brothers at The New York Times.



New McCain Ad: “Recovery”

Feisty McCain Tells Staff He's Indignant Over Palin Treatment

Flashback- Top 10 Stories of 2006: The Year of Sarah Palin

Flashback- 'Fresh face' launched Palin:

Flashback- Piecing together the Palin puzzle (History has proven her right)

The Palin factor (Worth reading!)

I live in Alaska and I’ve known both Sarah and Todd Palin personally and professionally, and I could see her as another Teddy Roosvelt - with the irony that she’d be a woman who regularly shoots and eats bull moose.

McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer's Palin Rumor (Extramarital Affair)

Threads on Trooper Gate in Alaska


Exclusive: Chief Fired by Palin Speaks Out (Democrat Opposition Research has Started)

Friday, August 29, 2008 08:27:33 PM · by SeekAndFind · 191 replies · 5,139+ views
Washington Post ^ | August 29,2008

115 posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2008 06:10:42 PM by Ernest_at_the_Beach

"Enemy" is "Source" of Palin Affair Rumor (Vanity)

...I have never seen a press so eager to destroy before. They have spent more time in 5 days, going through the sand on Palin than they have in 19months on Obomba...

Rush In a Hurry - September 3, 2008

On Today’s Show...

Rush is Right: "Democrats don't have a Sarah Palin. She's twice the man Obama is."

Feminists may not be mad about sexist attacks on Sarah Palin, but the women who make America work are. Why's the media trying to drive her off the ticket, if she's so bad? Because they thought they'd killed conservatism. We're running against the entire Washington Government Machine, folks. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» NB: Us Magazine Launches Tabloid Style Attack On Sarah Palin
» Maureen Dowd: The Palin Problem » Andrea Peyser: Time-Warped Sexist Assault

Despicable feminist Sally Quinn slams Sarah Palin, and says a mother should put her kids first and be subservient to her husband -- which, Sally presumes to tell us, is what an evangelical wife is. Liberals like Sally and Soledad O'Brien can have kids and work, but Sarah Palin can't be a mom and govern. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Pearl of Wisdom: "Governor Sarah Palin -- just in her being, just in her essence -- destroys every myth that the liberals have told us that they want in women. The feminists have set everything back to their mothers' generation."

Mark "Maxi" Shields lectures Palin on her kids. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Drive-By attack template for Sarah Palin shifts from "experience" to "trailer trash."
» James P. Lucier: Sarah Palin is a Negotiator Without Preconditions
» Mark Halperin: Letterman Takes Aim at Palin

Pearl of Wisdom: "The American left -- which now embodies the Washington government class, the American mainstream media, and the Democrat Party -- are truly frightened of God. That's who they're trying to beat. They're trying to wipe God out of every heart and soul in this country." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Palin excites the base! A professional woman in PR agrees with what Rush said about feminists and Sarah's nice ankles. She's motivated now to work and give money.

Newt Gingrich broke a cardinal liberal rule. Good! He took on a reporter hiding behind the label of "objectivity," and dared say that Palin has more experience than Obama.
» Desperate, Laughable: Obama's on His Experience: But I'm Such a Great Campaigner!

Fred Thompson's speech (text | video) blew the lid off the convention every time he mentioned Sarah Palin's name. We need to keep this sort of stuff up, with a smile.

I hear Joe Lieberman gave a great speech (text | video), but with all due respect, I don't see Democrats wanting to "get along" with us. Just look how they treated you!

Biden's pandering to seasoned citizens struck a chord with a Hillary supporter who buys this BS that Bush destroyed Social Security and the economy.

Gergen and Bernstein whine about the "tone" of the convention, saying it "attacked" patriotism and there's too much partisanship. (So we should roll over and join the left.)

From Rush's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Friedman on Palin and Big Oil » Dems Release Palin's Social Security Number
» Oil Prices Come Down, Speculators Get Rich » Lib Journalists Jealous of Palin
» Kids in Barack Obama's Chicago are Protesting Against Their Rotten School

Don’t Look Now: Hillary Dems Are Digging The Republican Convention

Victor Davis Hanson: To Palinize...

Obama Launches Ad Campaign Attacking McCain for Pro-Life Policy

The obvious response ad is to tell about Obama’s promise to federally fund abortion, then to run Obama’s ghoulish take on live babies during an abortion, and then to say “under Barack Obama, your tax dollars could go to pay for babies who will be killed outside the womb.”

Nervous MSM Suggests McCain Scrap Sarah [references FR]



132 posted on 09/03/2008 4:05:21 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Here we go. NOW the campaigns really start.

The incomparable Anchoress:

Liveblogging the Palin Speech

Okay, as earlier today, just keep scrolling down -latest posts will be on top. Althouse also live blogging as is Melissa Clouthier More here.

First remarks from the Obama team is weak - very weak - “Her speech was written for her.” Wow. THAT has never been true of any politician before! I think the Obama camp must be worried, so they’re doing what Democrats always do when they’re worried, they’re going after George W. Bush (Hypothetically)
Full Text of Speech here She hit a home run; she’s a star. The family on stage - incredible images. Pregnant daughter holding hands with her fiance. Piper talking to McCain, Sarah kissing Trig. You can’t beat that. Trouble. Sarah Palin is as good with a speech as Bill Clinton. Trouble. She’s not going home.

11:19 PM I think all of the attacks on the family will end now - they should - and the campaigns will (hopefully) get down to substantial issues. They’re going to be forced to, because Americans can see that there is no reason not to. The commenters keep bringing up that Palin did not write the speech…WHY is that a point? Everyone has speeches written for them; everyone has to “talk to reporters.” Now, I guess, the narrative will be “well, she can’t do that again!” Sigh. Non-substance will perhaps continue, after all.

11:10 AWESOME finish. Electric. The family came out - McCain came out. Cindy grabbing Rudy’s arm in excitement and joy. Judith Giuliani beams. “Don’t you think we made the right choice?” The crowd is wild! Tears! I say it again: Palin is not going anywhere. Mort Kondrake says “brilliantly delivered, incredibly sophisticated and effective.” Here we go. NOW the campaigns really start.

11:05 PM Remarks about McCain - very touching - “To the most powerful office on earth, he would bring the compassion that comes from having once been powerless … the wisdom that comes even to the captives, by the grace of God … the special confidence of those who have seen evil, and seen how evil is overcome.”

11:04 PM “American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of self-discovery…there is only one man in this election who has actually fought for you…in places where winning means survival and defeat means death…John McCain.” I was trying to imagine last night what it would be like to spend two years in solitary in a 4 x 6 room with a light that never goes out. I’d lose my mind.

11:02 PM: Sarah Palin is not going anywhere. She is not going home, Dems. She’s not going home, Sally Quinn. She is a powerful asset to John McCain. “A leader who is not looking for a fight but sure isn’t afraid of one, either.” She cites Harry Reid, “I can’t stand John McCain” and says, “we’re clearly behind the right man. [Reid] can’t stand UP to John McCain!”

10:58 PM: “Obama’s worried that someone won’t read [terrorists] their rights.” She might get in trouble with that. Opens the door to another accusation of a “chill wind” by Tim Robbins! Talks about how Obama wants to grow the government and raise tax burdens. She and McCain will “use careers to promote change.” Hits Obama’s “presidential seal.” Can we say, finally, that the fake presidential seal was Obama’s “Mission Accomplished?”

10:56: On Obama - “This is a man who has authored two autobiographies but never wrote a bit of legislation. Talks about war but never victory unless it’s about his own campaign.” Greek columns, she is killing. “What does he actually plan to accomplish after he’s done…healing the planet?” “VIctory in Iraq is within sight; he wants to forfeit.”

10:55 PM: “The fact that drilling will not solve every energy problem is no excuse to do nothing at all…” Palin is nearly as good at this as Bill Clinton.

10:56 PM: She should be Al Gore: “The people, not the powerful!” Now she’s talking about the pipeline. She talks about unfriendly foreign governments, Russia’s energy powerplay, Iraq, Venezuela. She is passionate that we need to take charge of our own energy resources. “Drill, baby, drill” again.

10:50 PM: “We put the gov’t of our state back on the side of our people.” “That ethics reform is that law…” Piper and Trig, again. Gorgeous images. “Nearly half a billion dollars in vetos.”

10:45 PM: Taking on the media. Maybe a little TOO ballsy. Don’t know if she should have done that. “I’m not going to Washington to seek their good opinion, but to serve this great country.” That’s going to resonate. The press has lower approval ratings than the congress or Bush.

10:43 PM: Singing the praises of the small towns, as Piper, adorably, licks her hand to fix Trig’s hair. “Let me explain to my opponents what the job of Mayor involved.” Very comfortable and enjoying herself. “I guess a small town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except you have actual responsibilities.” Brings up the “bitter clinging to religion and guns.” Ouch, ouch, ouch. “We prefer candidates who don’t talk to people one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco; John McCain is always the same.”

10:42 PM: She’s bringing up Harry S Truman - haberdasher; good for her. A “small town” guy.” “I grew up with those people…they love our country in good times and bad and they’re always proud of America.”

10:37 PM Trig waves! She’s talking family. She’s got balls and she’s going to respond to the ugliness. Beautiful family. Obama’s family is also very beautiful.

10:36 PM She is sounding pretty comfortable. And she knows how to use the camera and the teleprompter. The women on that floor are glowing. GLOWING. “As the mother of one of those troops, that’s the kind of leader.” She looks a bit moved as she introduces Track.

10:30 PM: Palin comes out with no pre-video. Crowd is insane. Love the Jackie Kennedyesque suit. Um. Crowd very enthusiastic. Very. Camille Paglia nailed it. No wonder the left hates her. She is charisma in glasses. She finally has to simply start talking. Crowd still insane.

10:30 PM My husband says, “damn, that’s an attractive family.” Not something he’d normally say.

10:29 PM “How dare they ask when she will have time for her family? When do they ever ask a man that question?” Yeah, they should have stopped asking that.

10:27 PM: “Palin has more executive experience than the Democratic ticket, combined.” They’re laughing. Rudy’s pretty passionate. “She’s got an 80% approval rating; she took on corruption in her own party. This is a woman who has no fear.” “Can you IMAGINE how McCain/Palin are going to shake up Washington!”

10:25 PM: “Advice to Obama; call John McCain.”

10:23 PM: McCain does not back down from unpopular ideas. “Most pols would have worked in their own self interest.” Catalogues Obama’s flips. It’s politics, don’t worry. “If I were Biden, I’d want to get that VP thing in writing.”

10:19 PM: On the surge. Dems are in denial about the threats facing the nation. “When you’re in denial you can’t face it. If you can’t face it you can’t defeat it.” Or something like that. “When they gave up on Iraq, they gave up on America.” Red meat. “In the single biggest policy decision of this election, McCain right, Obama wrong.”

10:17 PM “Drill, baby, drill” The crowd is alive, “You guys were ready to break out.” Can I suggest that “drill baby, drill” is an unfortunate slogan when the “sexiest governor” is close to coming out?

10:15 PM: “Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.” Ouch.

10:12 PM Rudy’s found his stride. He quotes Joe Biden: “No time for on-the-job training.” The 3 AM call: “And that’s the one time we agree with Hillary!” He’s getting the crowd all afire: “No doubt! The country will be safe in McCain’s hands!”

10:09 PM Ah, now NY Rudy comes on, “He couldn’t figure out whether to vote yes, or no. It was too tough! He voted ‘present.’ To be president takes more than being ‘present.’” I get it now, Rudy is going to mock. Ouch. Pols hate that. “he’s never run a city, never run a state, never run a military unit…” The problem is, neither has McCain. Or Biden. Actually…only Palin has done any of that. McCain DID run a squadron.

10:06 PM Rudy is sounding a beat off, not quite together. Like he hasn’t rehearsed this speech enough. Or, the teleprompter is not working at a speed he’s used to. (Laughing) “…a community organizer?”

10:05 PM: There is a “Sarah Palin Countdown Clock” in the lower right hand corner of the screen. This validates to me Tim Noah’s assertion that the press has created a moment. As Lorie Byrd said earlier - everyone is watching, and Palin has been so excoriated that expectations will have been affected.

10:02 PM Rudy Giuliani, gets a rousing welcome for his keynote speech. “I DO Support John McCain!”

9:52 PM Tim Noah: The angry liberal press has assured a Palin homer. I think we should not count chickens before hatchings. Let the woman speak - let her give her speech, before we decide about it.

9:37 PM When you get a chance, read Mickey Kaus’ thoughtful piece on the Model 3 Media.

9:33 PM: While we wait, Peggy Noonan is trying to climb out of a hole. You have to feel badly. She writes a moving and brilliant column and then an open mic and her own mouth cuts her off at the legs. It is curious, isn’t it, how often mics are left “open” on Republicans? Well…I guess it’s over. Do you buy her explanation?

9:24 PM More Joe Biden making Barack’s life difficult: Dog catchers okay for SCOTUS, but an Alaskan Gov is not okay for veep. Sigh. Poor Barack. What a loose cannon Biden is.

Palin Speech Alarms Left! « The Rhetorican pinged back with Palin Speech Alarms Left! « The Rhetorican
Running Sarah Palin Thread of Hate & Doooom! | The Anchoress pinged back with Running Sarah Palin Thread of Hate & Doooom! | The Anchoress
Outta Da Park, Baby! « Obi’s Sister pinged back with Outta Da Park, Baby! « Obi’s Sister

Roundup of Reactions to Palin Speech

Next big challenge: the debate, and Biden is a tough guy. Reckless, but tough.

There is a general consensus, from reading around, that the Obama camp coming and with “hey, someone WROTE that speech for her” was an incredibly dumb move. Incredibly lame and laughable. What was interesting to me was hearing the newsgasbags mentioning “she did not write the speech” before the Obama camp’s statement was released. I’m just sad to see that the press was willing to make such a dumb complaint for him - to set the stage for it. I mean…really. I’d be embarrassed to utter it.

What did you think of the speech?

Second-stupidest statement of the night (after the shocking knews that speechwriters write speeches): Candy Crowley saying “I don’t know how such a strong woman will play outside this hall” Now the Republicans - formerly “afraid of strong women” - are apparently too appreciative of strong women, who will scare the electorate. Un-freaking-believable.

Also, Anderson Cooper said something about how Obama has “run his campaign” and employed several thousand people, so there you go. Ready for the Oval Office. Palin’s 8 years as a Mayor and 2 years as Governor don’t amount to a hill o’ beans in this crazy world…

Press headlines: Palin Mocks…. Palin Casts Herself as Washington Outsider. Casts herself? Um….

Lorie Byrd: So Much for the Redneck Beauty Queen Mayor of a Pissant Town

Michael Crowley:
My liberal friends are panicked

Betsy Newmark: Wow!

Glenn Reynolds many links

I didn’t hear Olbermann say this, but he sounds a little down

Andrea Mitchell: Glum, glum, glum. I’m not the only one who has noticed Wolf Blitzer: “A star is born

Jim Geraghty: My e-mail box is thrilled. Cam’s Talkbackers are thrilled — “you called down the thunder, and now ya have it.”

Andrew Sullivan: Still wants DNA tests, doctor testimony and medical records and proof of Trig’s parentage. Reduced to bitching about Palin’s facial expressions. Sigh.

Ace has Reactions

Tracey: Loving Piper


Strata: Happy

Lizard: Fear the Teddy

She’s not going anywhere

Pathetic Press: Never seen a pregnant girl before

Happy Catholic The Value of Service (Must read)

Dejavu polling

Pajamas Media

I can’t help but wonder what Peggy Noonan is thinking right now. I feel bad for her.

Gateway Pundit: Feeling good

Video here

I’m calling it a night. I notice a few more donations with no names. How kind! Please know I am humbled and very appreciative! Thanks.

(Video) Sarah Palin’s Convention Speech : Stop The ACLU pinged back with (Video) Sarah Palin’s Convention Speech : Stop The ACLU

Remarks by Governor Sarah Palin - Video

You saw a real version of “Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington.” You saw someone like yourself and your neighbors rise to the highest level of our society pretty much on character and merit alone. Chances are, unless you’re under 25, you’ll never see the like again. President Reagan was the last time, before that, President Truman, and before that, President Lincoln.
Morning in America has returned, and that shinning city on a hill received a facelift.

Sarah Palin's Speech (an amazed review from the Atlantic)

 We're all Mavericks now...

Feisty Sarah Palin sinks boot into Obama

 Anyone notice how many foreign newspapers are bursting with this story?

She's not even on the job yet and she's improving our standing worldwide.

Reagan In High Heels? Time Will Tell (Free Republic Mention Alert!)

The FReepers are comparing her to Reagan. I didn’t put too much credibility into it, I mean, you can expect that kind of reaction from the FReepers. But then the people on my dog training forum are comparing her to Reagan. And the people on my cooking forum are comparing her to Reagan.

Focus Group: Palin Was (Alarmingly) Strong

 Her lines about Obama were brutally cutting and possibly over the top in places.

This after four days of throwing the kitchen sink at her, her children, her husband, her home town, her state. Bald-faced lies repeated in the nations biggest MSM outlets. Disgusting, obscene falsehoods spewed by grinning hatemongers with clown faces painted on.

She answers this bloody excrement-storm with a focussed speech, laced with humor, that doesn't even mention their candidate by name, and she's brutal?

As Einstein said, "you can evade reality, but you can't evade the consequences of evading reality."

JIM LINDGREN ON PALIN'S SPEECH SO FAR: "After a middling start of her speech, Sarah Palin hit her stride. Palin's speech so far is MILES better than Biden's — and will probably be better than McCain's." I agree; her biggest problem is keeping the applause from stepping on her lines.

UPDATE: She's effectively using her history and family to note that while Obama and Biden talk about helping ordinary Americans, she's actually got a lot of experience on the subject, while their knowledge is more, um, theoretical.

ANOTHER UPDATE: "There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you."

MORE: Reader Daniel Hollenbaugh emails: "Glenn - As a Republican, I almost hate to say it, but after seeing Sarah speak, I can't wait for Saturday Night Live to return. Tina Fey will make a hilarious Sarah Palin."

FINALLY: A little slow at the beginning, but a very strong speech, well-delivered. It's as if she's done this speechmaking thing before. The crowd is certainly behind her, and the fiance is on the stage with the whole family -- and with John McCain. It's like they're taunting the press and the Democrats to go on with the baby-talk. As I've said, I don't think they believe this hurts them.

Plus, politicians have speechwriters? Why wasn't I told?

Orin Kerr: "I thought Palin was a natural tonight: She was as good as Obama can be, and I think that's pretty damn good."

And, from the comments: "Too bad it's not a Palin-McCain ticket."

A reader emails: "New Sarah Palin Topic: Is Air Force One safe from E-bay?"

Lorie Byrd: "Obama's response -- the speech was written by George Bush's speech writer. Wow. How lame is that?"

I Believe America May Have Met Her Next Vice-President

Comments open for your reactions while we wait for the Palin speech to come up on Youtube. (bumped)

Video here and text.

(Plus a transcript of Rudy Giuliani's great barnburner here).

They love her in Hillary Land

"I love, love, love this!! We are going to kick Obama's butt all the way back to Kenya!!!!!!" ...

Yeah. It's really easy to see now what they were so afraid of. I have to watch that again.....if no other reason but to catch that joke about the greek columns again.

It's midnight on the east coast and SDA has just registered 900 Sitemeter visits in the last hour. That's how big this story is.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just called her "shrill". That'll win the women back!

And is CNN rattled? You be the judge.... "McCain Wins Democratic Nomination"

(thanks to Paul C.)

Now we know why they pay Keith Olbermann the big bucks - "People who like this sort of thing will find this... the sort of thing they like."

Posted by Kate at 12:15 AM | Comments (113)

Liberal men in a panic; Update: liberal women spinning, too

September 4, 2008 12:36 AM by Michelle Malkin82 Comments

"Rush really nails it with the title to his website post, “We’re running against the entire Washington Government Machine”

The thrashing about that the media that Michelle is highlighting…it’s reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of the West melting in anger and despair."


THEG says: Meanwhile, the Evil Party promises- not to address terror, illegal aliens, atom bombs, medicare-- but to INVESTIGATE!

Biden Rips Bush Administration (Threatens Possible Criminal Charges If They Win)

TED SORENSON on Joe Biden. Ouch.

Obama Had Close Ties to Top Saudi Adviser at Early Age (Black Panthers Link)

Palin Shoots Down A Tired Agenda

Based on the 1900s-style offerings included in their agenda of identity politics, it's almost as if Democrats regard women as the dim bulbs of their coalition.

Change with the times they do not. It may be 2008, but Democrats still think that abortion, along with a Big Labor-inspired "Pay Equity Act," are about all it takes to satisfy female voters.

TRANSCRIPT: Sarah Palin's RNC Speech

REMEMBER- to see it all use the database link:

133 posted on 09/04/2008 2:08:33 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All

Palin shows she knows how to throw a punch

Palin portrays herself as hockey mom with inner steel

Palin's Home Run

Sarah Palin: Readers Respond

"Community organizers" are basically people who go out and rouse the rabble to get more government money, or more attention to social problems that are largely self-inflicted. To economic illiterates (pretty much everyone on the left) this seems like a noble profession. To those of us who have had to actually work and serve our fellow man in concrete ways (see above for examples), it's an affront to OUR dignity...

Fox News Megyn Kelly Shreds US Weekly Magazine (Pallin Story)

134 posted on 09/04/2008 3:08:04 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All

BREAKING: Sarah Palin "Winged" Her Speech Because of "Broken" Teleprompter

137 posted on 09/04/2008 5:11:21 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All

Sarah Palin Lights up the Xcel Energy Center with Her Acceptance Speech.

A Star Is Born ( Sarah Palin )


Monica Crowley: She's Not Voting 'Present' ( Sarah Palin )


Sarah Palin: Wall Street's Candidate

Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin Is My Girl

 Palin made it clear that she is like the rest of us, noting how Fedzilla is bloated, broken, ineffective, and wasteful. Our professional politicians no longer work for us, but instead represent K Street bandit lobbyists. These scoundrels deserve our scorn, anger and contempt, and, quite honestly, a big, old pink slip, and Sarah appears to be the tough leader we seek to get the job done.

Steyn's Short Take [on Palin and the Media]...

I would like to thank the US media for doing such a grand job this last week of lowering expectations by portraying Governor Palin - whoops, I mean Hick-Burg Mayor Palin - as a hillbilly know-nothing permapregnant ditz, half of whose 27 kids are the spawn of a stump-toothed uncle who hasn't worked since he was an extra in Deliverance.

How's that narrative holding up, geniuses? Almost as good as your "devoted husband John Edwards" routine?

I trust even now Maureen Dowd is working on a hilarious new column mocking proposed names for the Governor's first grandchild. Perhaps Richard Cohen can just take the week off and they can rerun his insightful analysis comparing the Palin nomination to Caligula making his horse a consul. Whereas we sophisticates all know that if McCain were as smart as Obama he'd have nominated a dead horse to be his consul. No wait...

Sarah Palin: Readers Respond

Palin may help other nominees (she'll energize overall GOP turnout)

It is not inconceivable that a McCain/Palin ticket could get the Senate back.

We have the majority of the voters, we just need to get them to take a minute off from work & raising families to GET OUT AND VOTE!

We also need to make sure the MILITARY VOTE GETS COUNTED


Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush· Biden says criminal violations will be pursued

138 posted on 09/04/2008 5:50:14 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All
Look at what happens to Obama when he gets off script — not sure if there was a teleprompter present, though the title of the clip says there was:

Obama Speech - Teleprompter Goes Out

139 posted on 09/04/2008 6:00:58 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All


Palin Rules, Libs Drool


The Biggest Missing Story in Politics (conservatives are majority)

140 posted on 09/04/2008 6:16:49 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: All

No one does it better than:

Palin a news Powerhouse

I feel like I am drowning in news, there is so much of it. I had not planned to, but I am going to - in the face of all of this news - continue the Insta-pundity format I used yesterday, which helps make things more readable, I think. What do you think? Please let a comment and tell me if you hate it or like it.

Oh, what did “I” think of the speech? I thought she was actually “better” (not by much) on Friday - a little more relaxed. But after the six day baptism of nukes that she’d endured, I thought her composure was remarkable, and all -in-all one of the best political speeches of the last 10 years. She is not “Obama-good” at speechifying. She’s “Bill-Clinton-good”. No wonder the left is nuts. My initial roundup (with Piper video) is here.

And a word of caution to Republicans from your friendly Anchoress: be mindful of how you receive a good. I’ve had several puckerfaced, “she should be at the top of the ticket, why are we stuck with McCain” whiners writing to me. Hello: McCain chose her. That tells you something about him, and his instincts. Some of you barely knew who she was a week ago. Credit McCain for the introduction, and be GRATEFUL instead of whining. How you receive a good has a lot to do with whether more good comes your way.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Federalist Paupers on the Ordinariness of Sarah Palin: He compares quotes from Sam Harris to G. K. Chesterton, on how Americans keep electing non-elites. Harris, of course, thinks this is a bad thing. Chesterton does not.

Democracy is not philanthropy; it is not even altruism or social reform. Democracy is not founded on pity for the common man; democracy is founded on reverence for the common man, or, if you will, even on fear of him. It does not champion man because man is so miserable, but because man is so sublime. It does not object so much to the ordinary man being a slave as to his not being a king, for its dream is always the dream of the first Roman republic, a nation of kings. - Chesteron, Heretics.

It’s well done, you’ll like. 2:50 PM

Irresistible Music Video of the Day: Yeah, it’s funny in terms of Palin, but it’s also a really great video without the reference Hanson: If the post-Speech reaction of the talking heads at CNN, PBS and MSBNC, or the op-ed ravings of Gloria Steinem, Maureen Dowd, Eleanor Clift or Sally Quinn are any indication, the Secret Service better enlist the Alaskan National Guard for help ensuring the Alaskan Governor’s safety. For real. 2:34 PM

Some funny linin’: Lucianne: Pitch perfect Palin, who knows the power of the pause, puts pundits in a pickle. 2:32 PM

Pajamas Media has some good features up, including Rick Moran giving it to you from the convention floor. 2:30 PM

“Obama has met his rhetorical equal” says Shrinkwrapped with a thoughtful post. I say she’s strong than Obama, who is very good. She’s Bill-Clinton-good. 2:22 PM

I thought that’s what I saw: My husband and I were wondering if someone was trying to charge the stage last night. Turns out, yes, someone did; one of Obama’s top bundler and a Code-Pink clown. That’s about the time Palin stopped and told us about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull. 2:14 PM

Baby, She Was Born to Run… 2:11 PM

Appreciation from the UK: Brits at their Best have Gov. Palin’s Proclamation on Jury Rights Day 2:10 PM

Confederate Yankee notes another Obama pal in jail. I think that happens in every party, though, right? 2:09 PM

Most Appallingly Stupid, Pathetic, Desperate & Mean-Spirited Dem Spam:

“Where is Child Protective Services! How Dare They Keep That Down Syndrome Baby Out ‘Til All Hours! How Dare They Let That Little Girl Hold That Down Syndrome Baby; She Might Drop Him! How Dare That Little Girl Lick Her Hands And Push Down The Hair Of That Down Syndrome Baby! It’s Unsanitary! What Sort Of Mother Allows That? What Kind Of Mother Has A Teenage Daughter Who Gets Pregnant And Does Not Have Her Abort It So No One Knows About It? Shame! SSSSShhaaaaaaame!

Yes. Shame. Shame on you. SHAME on you, you puritanical hypocrites. Or no. Maybe not shame on you. Maybe…how sad that you have no idea how real families operate. And by the way, how TERRIFIED are you of “That Down Syndrome Baby” that none of you seem capable of just calling him by his name, Trig. You know…like you would any other HUMAN BEING? Don’t be afraid of Trig. He’s an angel. 1:52 PM

Katie Couric, Professional Journalist: “Sarah Palin, the governor of Arkansas…” — Katie Couric, on CBS. Which came in fifth in the ratings for Tuesday.

FNC: 6,179,000
NBC: 4,468,000
CNN: 3,220,000
ABC: 3,098,000
CBS: 2,928,000
MSNBC: 1,590,000

Looking at these numbers, I keep wondering - why do we pay so much attention to Keith Olbermann? - 1:47 PM

As Palin, her motherhood and her kids were being raked over the coals yesterday, I asked, “where is Hillary? Why isn’t she saying anything. Well, we know why she’s not saying anything, but she’s allowing her aides to come out and call the sexists, sexists. Good for her. And Estrich decries the press attacks 12:19 AM

Waiting for my husband to take me to lunch (a treat!) I am listening to Rush. He’s saying Palin’s prompter was not working right, that it was not pausing for applause, so Palin was working from memory. Don’t know if that’s true, yet - but I can see where it might be. Look at what I wrote last night, that Rudy’s timing seemed off…I wondered if it was a teleprompter problem. Seems it was. Teleprompter problems, open mics; the GOP sure does have problems with gadgets. Or, the people running them do. 12:14 AM

Sally Quinn: Unhinged. Totally. 12:12 AM

Roger Kimball: From BDS to PDS, no, Sarah is a girl. She can’t give them PDS. She gives them PMS: Palin Madness Syndrome. In fact, that is what I think we should start calling the press: The PMS Media! 11:42 AM

Biden: As I wrote last night:

…the Obama camp must be worried, so they’re doing what Democrats always do when they’re worried, they’re going after George W. Bush (Hypothetically)

Patterico: Just keep scrolling 11:41 AM

Gloria Steinem: Flipping out. “She’s no Hillary!” Heh. You’re right, Gloria. You’re right. Harry Reid aside, she’s not “shrill”, either. The Dems keep revealing themselves to be we-didn’t-mean all- we-said about -woman party. I wonder if they mean what they say about anything, then. 11:40 AM

Jennifer Rubin:
There is no way the MSM can explain themselves or destroy her now. This was a remarkable moment of political theater. And the MSM credibility evaporated somewhere between the Ebay joke and the discussion of the pipeline in the Caucasus. [emphasis mine - admin] Spot on. Linda Chavez has more.11:28 AM

Taylor Marsh is taking the general line I’m seeing from the Thinking Left (as opposed to the Mad Left), and she says well done but would have been better without the snark. I don’t know if I accept that only because this was a VEEP speech, and veeps are supposed to be the attack dogs. Biden was. Kerry - who wasn’t even running for veep at the DNC, was. I don’t think it is a smart thing to act like poor Obama can’t take a joke, and gets his wee feelings hurt. Next we’ll hear that it is unseemly for a woman to attack. I guess “strong women” are the next terrible thing that conservatives whelp upon the world.11:27 AM

Claudia Rosett: Outta there! So many people writing “out of the ballpark” I feel like I should post the climax from “The Natural.”

Pursuing Holiness notes the way the press has treated Bristol Palin and Mary Cheney. 11:23 AM

Bookworm: Has her reactions notes her Obama-loving hubby’s response. 11:21 AM

Chris Muir: Hearts Sarah. Funnily enough, I was singing that song to myself after the speech, too. 11:20 AM

Dick Meyer: Wants to criticize the press’ outsized attacks, can’t quite do it, ends up with an approximation of Humphrey Bogart, saying Vice Presidential Candidates Don’t Mean A Hill O’ Beans In This Crazy World… 11:09 AM

The Emotional Cripple tracked back with Sarah Palin - speech was a thing of beauty...

by TheAnchoress @ 10:17 am. Filed under Uncategorized


Sarah Palin mesmerizes Israeli filmmaker

I didn’t know she plays the flute...

Fecund In Command (Mark Steyn On The Left's Hostility To Large Families Alert)


Target Palin


If the post-Speech reaction of the talking heads at CNN, PBS and MSBNC, or the op-ed ravings of Gloria Steinem, Maureen Dowd, Eleanor Clift or Sally Quinn are any indication, the Secret Service better enlist the Alaskan National Guard for help ensuring the Alaskan Governor’s safety.

A beautiful, confident, articulate, independent, accomplished—and conservative—woman apparently has enraged Team Obama, the mainstream media, and the entire American intelligentsia, as if they were collectively hit by a cruise missile aimed from Middle America.

When Palin talks about her present life it sounds as authentic as Biden’s showy populism came off as false. Enraged feminists are apparently the gatekeepers for less well-educated American women, who are supposed to have 0-1.5 children not 5! Their husbands must be professors, lawyers, CEOs, editors—not snowmobile champions, union members, oil workers, and fishermen—or, worse, all in one! And unlike a Pelosi, Quinn, or Clinton, Palin, God forbid, did not rely on a powerful, wealthy husband or father to energize her career. Worse still, she took no women’s studies class, never attended the Ivy League, and shoots moose. The danger is not just that Sarah Palin could win McCain the election, but she could expose the entire flimsy structure of doctrinaire liberalism as the hypocrisy—and chauvinism—it has become.

Dumb and dumber

At about the time that the Republicans were making the case that liberals were hyperpartisan, a little unhinged, and out of touch, hundreds of nutty demonstrators were outside the convention screaming in the usual street theater mode about war crimes et al.—even as Joe Biden announced that when elected, he and Obama may well seek out Bush administration officials to try them for crimes!

Two nations….

The Geraldine Ferraro Democratic Vice Presidential nominee appointment was an inspired stroke of genius that advanced the cause of feminism; Palin’s was tawdry tokenism.

Edwards was a social reformer brought down by the tabloids; Palin’s 17-year-old daughter is white trash and fair game.

Insulting “small town mayors” and “good looking” women is funny; suggesting that “community organizing” is often a farce is a felony.

Obama’s violation of drug laws with a “little blow” was youthful exuberance; Palin’s husband’s DUI was more proof of a working-class messy family.

Joe Biden bravely continued as Senator after the tragic death of his wife and daughter left his injured young sons with a single parent; Sarah Palin selfishly shorted her children by running for VP and endangered her infants by flying while pregnant.

Criticizing Clinton’s engaging in sex in the oval office and lying about it to the American people were once “the politics of personal destruction”; lying that Sarah Palin might not have been the mother of her 5th child is the mere overreach of the blogs caused by the improper vetting of the McCain campaign.

This all reminds me...

Read the whole thing, at: "hit by a cruise missile from Middle America."


Flashbacks- Democrats and MSM praise Bill Clinton's "experience" as governor.

Should the same question be asked of the media ????

 There is always or:

(click the image to get one)
Or see the whole collection

Watching Palin Make History at the Xcel Center

Actor Patricia Heaton Available to Discuss Selection of FFL Member Governor Sarah Palin

Alaskans praise 'hockey mom' Palin (nice piece from the BBC)


With Nomination Of Mr. Mom As Second Lady.... (Debbie Schlussel Alert)

"Legally Mom"

Who Am I?

Photobucket BULLY!

Video link to Rudy Giuliani RNC speech

I Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning

Sarah Palin Quotes: Twenty-Five Memorable Quotes from Her RNC Speech

Sarah Palin

In a speech full of memorable one-liners and highlights, we picked what we thought were the top 25 quotes from Sarah Palin's RNC speech in Minneapolis, MN.

ALSO at DBKP: Video: Sarah Palin's Speech at Minneapolis, MN

* A writer observed: "We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty, sincerity, and dignity." I know just the kind of people that writer had in mind when he praised Harry Truman.

I grew up with those people. They are the ones who do some of the hardest work in America ... who grow our food, run our factories, and fight our wars. They love their country, in good times and bad, and they're always proud of America. I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town.

* I'm not a member of the permanent political establishment. And I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone.

But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion — I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country. Americans expect us to go to Washington for the right reasons, and not just to mingle with the right people.

* My fellow citizens, the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of "personal discovery." This world of threats and dangers is not just a community, and it doesn't just need an organizer.

* Our opponents say, again and again, that drilling will not solve all of America's energy problems — as if we all didn't know that already. But the fact that drilling won't solve every problem is no excuse to do nothing at all.

* Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.

* To confront the threat that Iran might seek to cut off nearly a fifth of world energy supplies ... or that terrorists might strike again at the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia ... or that Venezuela might shut off its oil deliveries ... we Americans need to produce more of our own oil and gas. And take it from a gal who knows the North Slope of Alaska: we've got lots of both.

18 more...

Sarah Palin Quotes: Twenty-Five Memorable Quotes from Her RNC Speech

Frequency of Down Syndrome Per Maternal Age

Palin May Be NRA's Best Ammo - Lifetime Member And Avid Hunter Palin Will Help Rally Gun Owners...

The B---- Card

 This was the treatment of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Ken Starr, and Linda Tripp combined and condensed into a shorter period.

"It isn't Sarah they hate. Its us. Its Sarah this week. It'll be someone else next week. But its really us they hate. "

Actually, they DO hate Sarah. Not because of Sarah herself - they don't know her - but because of what she represents. She represents a proudly self-reliant, proudly faithful, proudly American woman from a small town who won't kowtow to the "wisdom" of her obvious superiors in the liberal elite, and who, in fact, disdains them. She knows all about the liberal/uber-feminist stance on issues, and she doesn't subscribe to one bit of it. They simply cannot believe that she even exists, let alone that she's wildly popular. It is so far from their worldview, so close to what Reagan was, that they despise her - because for them Reagan meant powerlessness and irrelevance, even belittlement. She is a complete shock to them, like a Cat 5 Hurricane Sarah hitting them out of a clear, blue sky with no warning. Cognitive dissonance, that's what this is for them, and they ain't dealing well with it.

25 posted on Thursday, September 04, 2008 03:52:28 PM by Ancesthntr
And Now! Live from the MoonBat Left!

Former Planned Parenthood Prez Says Sarah Palin Forcing Daughter to Keep Baby

German Tabloids on Palin

AN UNFAIR HIT ON OBAMA'S RECORD: Alex Knapp is right to point out that Obama actually does have some legislative accomplishments, particularly the Coburn-Obama Transparency Act, which John McCain also cosponsored.

Bursting on the (Inter) National Scene

... like a 300 megaton nuke.

2957 buttons, T's, and stickers say it all.

A few of my favorites:

- Obama ... your CHANGE is in my diaper!

- I'm voting for Palin ... and the guy she's running with!

- McCain's Deadliest Catch!

- Viva La Barracuda!

... more.

Posted by Cjunk at 11:46 AM | Comments (5)

C'mon you got to love the momlick by the Piper? 

To quote Dick Morris today... "Hillary Clinton would have died, no killed to have a night like that" Laughing Laughing

Update Youtube Video:

37,244,000 Viewers for Sarah Palin

RNC Riots: Days 1, 2 and 3 (rioters cross the line to terrorism)

Just so we're clear [exactly what the dying media expect us to buy-into, if we really believe them]

Rebutting the Democrats' Fearful and Intolerant Attacks on Sarah Palin [facts check research]

Since the first article on American Thinker warning about the forthcoming types of attacks on Sarah Palin was posted last Friday (Defending Against the First Attacks on Sarah Palin), the assault has come fast and furious from both the media and the Democrats. Perhaps the only surprising thing about it has been, however, the depravity of the attacks.
While the campaign against Governor Palin has been viscious, certainly more so than any I can remember previous, it has managed to expose the soft underbelly of the Democratic Party, including the mainstream media. The Left is, at its heart, a movement of fear and intolerance -- despite its loud and frequent proclamations that it is exactly the opposite.
Here's a blue-collar woman from a blue-collar family living a comfortable blue-collar life. She's able to be successful in a career while raising a family, and her spouse is also hard-working and successful in a blue-collar job. Her life is not perfect -- her family has to deal with serious issues that normal families have to deal with from time to time, such as a husband's old DUI conviction, a sister's divorce from a lunatic that Tasers the sister's ten year old son, and a daughter's unplanned pregnancy and forthcoming marriage. But they deal with it with love, respect, and mutual support. In short, she is exactly the type of woman that the media and the Democrats should champion.
Which is precisely why they are so afraid of her: she isn't one of their own.
And so we have all the usual suspects launching abhorrent personal attacks on her and her family. It doesn't matter if what they report, allege, or insinuate is even slightly factual. The point is to get these stories out in public, where they can develop a life of their own. That's why you have a supposedly honorable liberal such as Alan Colmes writing a blog post that essentially blames Sarah Palin's pre-natal regimen for her baby's Down Syndrome (which is scientifically impossible since the malady is chromosome-based). He took his disgraceful piece down after a while, but his objective was achieved. He got people talking about it, and in some intolerant and uneducated circles it's become the new conventional wisdom. And bless Colmes' little, cold heart -- he's been rationalizing writing the post ever since.
The Democrats have even gotten so desperate that one of their party operatives has released the first five numbers of Sarah Palin's Social Security number to the public as part of a Democratic opposition research file. That means, by the way, that they have the whole number, and have previously used it as part of their research against her. And it's probably not too difficult for some lefty hacker to figure out the remaining four digits if it hasn't already been released -- it's a simple permutation equation with just 10,000 solutions. The Politico has helpfully posted the entire opposition report, including the partial SS number, here. Is this a surprise? Not really -- Chuck Schumer did the same thing to Michael Steele in 2006.  Make no mistake about it; the media and the Dems are out to destroy Palin and her family by any means necessary.
As usual, the DailyKos has been in the forefront of the attacks on Palin. Many of the more despicable attacks, such as the story that it was Palin's daughter Bristol who gave birth to Trig, have been removed from DailyKos' site -- not because they were inaccurate (which they were), but because they were becoming embarrassing to DailyKos and its owner and chief propagandist, Markos Moulitsas.
But DailyKos still has 51 lines of attack against Governor Palin up on their website, and to show you how depraved the mainstream media has become, many of them have been embraced by outlets such as CNN (embracing Kos Attack #4).
I first thought that DailyKos had received a copy of the aforementioned opposition research file, and used it to develop their lines of attack. But after reading the report, I realized that it was not so, since much of the opposition research can be used to rebut many of DailyKos' attack points.
So let's revisit the original lines of attack on Sarah Palin that was predicted last Friday, and assess how they're going. And then let's expand it by going through the 51 DailyKos attack directives issued to the drive-by media, with admissions and rebuttals where appropriate. It'll be done in order, keeping all original misspellings and grammatical errors, skipping (and noting) only those attacks that were first covered in last Friday's post and updated in today's.
"Palin has no experience": (Also Daily Kos attack #32) The first line of attack was, as expected, one on Palin's experience. The media has declared that her "lack" of experience now immunizes the attacks on Barack Obama's lack of experience. In fact, it does the opposite. The Obama campaign, by publicly comparing Democrat Presidential nominee Obama's experience to Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Palin's, tacitly concedes the experience issue to the Republican Presidential nominee John McCain. Memo to the Obama campaign Part 1 - it doesn't help your image when you spend time trying to argue, unsuccessfully, that your Presidential candidate has more executive experience than your opposition's Vice-Presidential candidate. Palin still has more executive experience that either Obama or Joe Biden. Obama is left having to claim that running his Presidential campaign is executive experience, which is ridiculous. Memo to the Obama campaign Part 2 - as you well know, David Plouffe runs Obama's campaign and David Axelrod writes most of Obama's words. All Obama has to do is show up. That's how Presidential campaign run. Stop suggesting otherwise.
"Palin's part of the corrupt GOP establishment in Alaska": (Also Daily Kos attack point #1, #16, #39) The thrust of the Democrats' complaints seem to be based on the fact that Sarah Palin belongs to the same political party as Republicans now either under investigation or indictment for ethical and criminal misdeeds. When faced with evidence of wrongdoing, Governor Palin went after the wrongdoers in her own party. She publicly opposed top Alaskan GOP establishment figures involved in nepotism and possible malfeasance - including Lisa Murkowski, Frank Murkowski, Don Young and Ted Stevens - and actively supported their GOP primary opponents once issues were raised (in Frank Murkowski's case, she was his primary opponent, and beat him). DailyKos' alleged "Abramoff" problem (#1) is just plain silly - a mailer supportive of Palin was sent out by an outside group associated with Jack Abramoff during her successful gubernatorial run. That's a tenuous link, at best.
Furthermore, this line of attack by the Democrats and the media sheds light on one of the main differences between the Republican ticket and the Democratic ticket. Both John McCain and Sarah Palin have aggressively gone after and investigated corrupt figures in their own party. Name one corrupt Democrat that either Barack Obama or Joe Biden has investigated during their long careers. The answer to that is simple - none.
As for the Obama campaign's suggestion that Sarah Palin is corrupt because she hired lobbyists to represent her city when she was Mayor? That attack shows the breathtaking ignorance of how municipalities and states actually run. Cities need representatives that show up at the state capital to represent the city's interests. States need those same types of representatives in Washington. To not do so would be irresponsible to the taxpayers. Forget about the elected representatives who are supposed to be filling that role - they have their own interests at stake. There are two ways for cities and states to accomplish this. The first is by having an office in either the state capitol or Washington staffed by locals. But many cities and states can't afford such an undertaking, much less staff it with effective people, so they hire professional lobbyists to do the job - because it's more often than not less expensive and more effective.
As for Palin's "deep" connections to the "Bridge to Nowhere", which both the Obama campaign and the DailyKos (#13) call into question? As another post at DailyKos clearly states: "Palin reported to the crowd in Dayton, Ohio. 'If our state wanted a bridge, I said, we'd build it ourselves.'". So she's in favor of the idea of the bridge, but opposed to the method of funding - a secret earmark bestowed in the middle of the night.
Her real "sin" in the eyes of the Democrats is that Alaska kept the money for the "Bridge to Nowhere", but allocated it elsewhere. No Governor in their right mind would refuse a check from Washington of over $300 million that can be used for any project that the state desires - again it would be irresponsible to the state's residents to send it back.
The rhetoric from the left on this issue conveniently masks the real issue over earmarks. Earmark opponents are not suggesting that all earmark projects are either bad or unnecessary. They're objecting to the way the money is surreptitiously inserted into the legislative process - in the dead of night, with no debate over the merits of each item. Individuals like McCain and Palin say go ahead and propose these projects - just do it in a fashion that allows each spending measure to be publicly vetted and debated. Submit such a project as the "Bridge to Nowhere" to the appropriations process. And allow earmarks only in very rare and emergency circumstances.
"Palin used her position as Governor to get back at the man whom her sister was divorcing, and fired the man who refused to fire her sister's ex-husband": The media and the Democrats are being very cute with this one (Also DailyKos #47 and #48). They report the issue - that there is an investigation headed by Democrats into whether or not a former Public Safety Commissioner was fired because he didn't cave-in to Palin on the firing of a state police trooper that was divorcing Palin's sister - without offering upfront the pertinent facts about the case. Tapes exist that show that some members of Palin's office contacted the Commissioner's office about this issue, but those same tapes record the people involved admitting that Palin herself didn't know of or approve the contacts. And once voters are made aware of the facts underlying the issue, the Democrats and the media will be surprised at the response.
Here's one way that Sarah Palin can permanently turn the tables on the media and the Dems on this issue. She could come out in public and say something along the following: "It's true that I was deeply upset that my sister's ex-husband, who is on record as threatening my father's life and my family's safety, and who also has publicly admitted that he Tasered my ten year old nephew, wasn't fired from his position as an Alaskan State trooper. It seems that the nature of the offense would indicate that it is the trooper, along with the union and former Public Safety Commissioner who are protecting him, should be the ones answering most of the questions. As for members of my office making inquiries about this affair, I appreciate them looking out for my family's safety, even if they might have been technically wrong. As for the rest, I always put the safety of my family first, and offer no apologies for that."
Game, set, match...Palin.
Here's the rest of the rebuttal against the media's the Democrats' DailyKos' anti-Palin talking points, in the order in which they have been offered on DailyKos' website:
#2  She advocated AGAINST mine safety / pollution control: From the article linked by DailyKos: "Ballot Measure 4 would prohibit new large mines from discharging toxins that could harm salmon or humans." Note the absolutist wording of DailyKos' attack. In fact, Palin was only against a specific ballot measure (Ballot Measure 4) that was simply unnecessary, as there existed federal and state law that already regulated such discharges. This was a ballot measure meant to stop one particular new mine near Pebble, Alaska. The initiative was intentionally worded so that the project would be tied up for years in the courts trying to figure out exactly what the new law meant - a crude form of lawfare often used by environmentalists and their legal allies. The initiative was voted on last Tuesday, August 26th, and was overwhelmingly voted down by Alaskans 57% to 43%.
#3  She has an ANTI-ENVIRONMENT RECORD and is on the wrong side of global warming and doesn't think polar bears should be listed as endangered because it interferes with her drilling plans: Remember, if you're against anything proposed by the environmental movement you're an evil and corrupt individual, and probably should be put to death! Last I heard, the human species' sole responsibly for "global warming" was a theory, not an established fact. And listing polar bears as an endangered species was a tactic that the environmentalists were using to restrict drilling - all Sarah Palin did was call them on it. Which is again, apparently, wrong and evil.
#4 She's against sex education - abstinence only: This is a difficult one to assess, since the link that DailyKos provides goes to a Boston Globe article that doesn't even mention abstinence. I guess it's just one of those "As DailyKos says, so it shall be" moments. Further Googling shows that that Palin has stated her support on teaching students about abstinence (after all, it's the only method of birth control that is guaranteed to work, at least amongst us mortals), and that the ultimate source for this information can be found (somewhere) on Phyllis Schlafly's website, In fact, CNN reports that the actual quote from Sarah Palin on this issue is "Explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support" - and that can be interpreted in several different ways. But note that it is her personal view, and nowhere can be found evidence that while she was a City Councilor, Mayor, or Governor did she try to replace sex education with abstinence-only education.
(It was also disturbing to note how many Democrats and media organizations are enjoying the pregnancy of Palin's daughter Bristol, claiming that Palin deserves it for supporting abstinence. Alaskan schools do currently teach sex education, and it did not prevent this particular pregnancy.)
#5 She appears to oppose windfall taxes on oil companies at the national level but supported them to benefit her state: The very article linked to by DailyKos disproves this attack. The windfall profits tax on oil companies is designed by the Democrats and Obama to confiscate profits and hinder further oil exploration and development. Ultimately, such taxes will harm all of us by making oil and gasoline more expensive, and it would diminish dividends and share value that belong to the real owners of the oil companies - you, me, and our elderly's retirement and pension funds. That's why McCain and Palin both oppose them. What Palin did do was establish a "state-based graduated tax" on oil companies, because she felt that the previous Governor had been much too generous to those companies. That position has, ironically, earned her the reputation in Alaska as being "anti-oil". But at the same time she offers support for those taxes, she also offers unquestioned support for the expansion of oil and natural gas production. That ultimately results in more money for everyone from the Alaskan state government to the residents of the state to the oil companies themselves. Governor Palin clearly does not believe in punitive taxation, which is what the DailyKos and the media are trying to insinuate.
#6 Believes Creationism should be taught in science classes: Guilty as charged, although the way this is worded seems to suggest that she would replace Darwinism with Creationism. In fact, Palin supports the teaching of both, as reported in the article DailyKos links to:
Next, Carey asked about teaching alternatives to evolution - such as creationism and intelligent design - in public schools.
PALIN: "Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And, you know, I say this, too, as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides."
Again, this points out the fear that the Left has of any theory that doesn't fit into their world-view. Palin's position seems perfectly reasonable to most, if not all, Americans.
#7 Don't believe the whispers that she supportive of the GLBT community. She's opposed to state health benefits for same-sex partners and only vetoed a resolution that would have ended state benefits because the Supreme Court had already declared it unconstitutional: Stretching quite a bit, and linking to a gay activist blog for proof doesn't pass the smell test. She chose this resolution to be her very first veto after becoming Governor, which sends a strong message that regardless of what her personal opinion is, the law is the law - and unconstitutional is unconstitutional. According to an article from 2006 in the Anchorage Daily News, her opposition had nothing to do with how she felt personally about gays, but with preserving the traditional family structure. In the end, if she wanted to veto it and fight the issue she could have, and since the veto was of a resolution passed and forwarded to her by Alaska's state government, a majority of the state would have been behind her. She chose not to, which obviously disappoints DailyKos.
#8 She's opposed to universal health care and stem cell research: DailyKos throws a big lie in there. She is opposed to federally funded universal health care - she believes that a market-based system is still the best solution. That's the same conclusion now being reached by many citizens in countries that do have universal health care, who are finding that if they want good health care they have to travel to the United States and pay for it to get it. The stem cell research claim is an outright lie. She opposes the expansion of only one small segment of stem cell research - embryonic stem cell research, which happens to be the overwhelming research favorite of abortionists and liberals.
#9 No foreign policy experience?  According to the folks at FOX think she has foreign policy experience because "Alaska is near Russia."  Oh, and she didn't even have a passport until last year: Barely even worth mentioning. She has about as much foreign policy experience as any current governor save Bill Richardson, and she has dealt with Russia on fishing issues. As for the passport - I never knew that summering in Europe was a prerequisite for the Vice-Presidency.
#10 She doesn't know what the Vice President really does: The Democrats are a bit schizophrenic about this issue. If you follow the link, it's obvious that Palin was talking about what she'd be doing everyday, as opposed to her constitutional role as being the President of the Senate and breaking ties. Democrats like to see Vice-Presidents of their own party, such as Al Gore, be co-presidents (something that is not in the Constitution). Democrats like to see Republican Vice-Presidents, like Dick Cheney, do nothing except wait for the President to die (something that is in the Constitution). Bottom line - Palin will do whatever John McCain asks her to do.
#11 This choice is NOT helping McCain's polling numbers, especially with women: Polls change, as the Democrats are soon to find out. But thanks for worrying for us!
#12 McCain only met Sarah Palin ONCE and talked to her TWICE making this a purely cynical and desperate political appointment by HIS CAMPAIGN not by him! She's not really HIS VP choice: That's the story that the Democrats and the media are promoting and want people to believe. It is also a lie. Sarah Palin was a very astute pick and was thoroughly vetted, as more and more articles are proving. Former Reagan Administration official Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. has led the VP vetting process for McCain, and it has gone on for the past four or five months. That vetting process first resulted in a semi-finalist group of 21 candidates, then was more recently whittled down to 7. The "no vetting" storyline is a total fabrication by the Democrats, the Obama campaign, and certain partisans in the media.
#14 She stated that she would force her own daughter to have a rapist's child: This is really stretching it and very low, even for DailyKos and the Democrats. The article eventually linked to, via another DailyKos page, does not say what DailyKos claims Palin said  - that she would "force her own daughter to have a rapist's child". That is the wishful thinking of the Kossites. In fact, the context of the response makes it clear that she is not answering for her child - she refused to take the interviewer's bait:
The candidates were pressed on their stances on abortion and were even asked what they would do if their own daughters were raped and became pregnant. Palin said she would support abortion only if the mother's life was in danger. When it came to her daughter, she said, "I would choose life."
DailyKos wants you to think that Sarah Palin would lock her baby up in a house and force her to give birth. As Alaska no longer has a parental consent law regarding abortion, there's no way for Palin to do this - no would she ever have. The most obvious (and correct) interpretation of Sarah Palin's response is that if she were in that situation she would have the baby, and she would counsel her daughter to do the same. She wasn't answering for her daughter - she wasn't going to play that game with the interviewer. Pro-abortion supporters cannot seem to grasp the fact pro-lifers believe that an unborn life is always the ultimate innocent - the child did not have any choice in how it was conceived.
#15 She has 3 houses: In the Democrats' world, no one should strive to be successful, and all families should be limited to one house. Sheesh...
#16  Terre pointed out that she's connected to VECO - the company at the heart of Ted Stevens' troubles.  She also received an endorsement from Ted that has suddenly disappeared from her webpage: Yep. People who worked for VECO donated $5000 to her various election campaigns over the last seven years. Lock her up and throw away the keys. As for the Ted Stevens endorsement, DailyKos didn't provide a link to that, so I found the story via Google. There apparently was an ad showing Stevens endorsing Sarah Palin during her 2006 gubernatorial campaign that has been taken down from her now defunct 2006 governors campaign site. But the endorsement was made at the very last moment, and since then Sarah Palin has been quite critical of Stevens and his travails, actually endorsing his rival in last week's primary. Believe it or not, MSNBC's "First Read" has the best and most accurate info on the relationship between Stevens and Palin, and it's certainly not the relationship that DailyKos is claiming it is - or was.
#17 She called candidate Clinton a whiner. Why does everyone in the McCain campaign think others are whiners?: Because you are whiners, silly!
#18 She apparently hasn't taken a stand on most major political issues: Yep. Another DailyKos page is reporting that doesn't have any of Sarah Palin's positions up yet. Palin wasn't even a national figure until this past weekend. Just because a website hasn't completed their homework yet, doesn't mean she has no opinions on these issues, and it's insulting to suggest otherwise.
#19 Her selection has created a major rift among the Republicans, especially Romney & Pawlenty: Really? The sources for this particular gem? Another DailyKos page, and a Washington Post blog post by Anne E. Kornblut that uses unnamed sources. If Romney and Pawlenty - and their associates - didn't feel bad about not being picked, I'd be surprised - that's human nature. The people at National Review were Romney supporters (as was I), and they're now strongly behind Palin. And the fact that Pat Buchanan is upset about McCain's pick of Palin is a plus in most people's books, including my own. But a rift? That's obviously what the DailyKos and the media wants people to think, but it just isn't so.
#20 Past quotes by Rove make Palin's selection look like desperation: Ah, living in the past again. The linked DailyKos page wasn't even about Palin, it was about Rove's opinion on the possibility that Obama would choose Tim Kaine for VP. In fact, Karl Rove is very enthused about Palin - he thinks that it's a bold pick by McCain, admittedly with some chance for a downside, but with huge upside potential. Check out this post and video from the LA Time's "Top of the Ticket" today. DailyKos and the Democrats are grasping at non-existent straws here.
#21 Palin may have been scrubbing her own wikipedia page: Good one. So silly it's not even worth responding to, other than to recognize that the source is yet another DailyKos page. I suppose they would rather have Palin's enemies control her Wikipedia entry? Which reminds me - the site isn't locked, so accurate corrections can be made and will be allowed. I wonder why a full rewrite of Palin's page isn't happening?
#22 Sarah Palin, Buchanite - Palin supported Pat Buchanan in 2000, a fact which may alienate certain Florida voters. Hat tip to misslotus: No, no, a thousand times no! A thinly disguised anti-Semite attack by DailyKos, the media, and the Obama campaign. As a Republican Mayor, she once greeted Pat Buchanan when he stopped in Alaska in 1999, and wore a Buchanan button while doing so. But published contemporary articles prove that she never supported him. Again - and I can't say this strongly enough - this is a pathetic attempt by the media, Democrats, and the Obama campaign to create a Jewish problem for McCain-Palin. The facts are this - Sarah Palin wrote a letter to the Anchorage Daily News in 1999 after Buchanan's visit correcting any possible misconception, stating the following about a picture and article published showing her wearing Buchanan's campaign button:
As mayor of Wasilla, I am proud to welcome all presidential candidates to our city. This is true regardless of their party, or the latest odds of their winning. When presidential candidates visit our community, I am always happy to meet them. I'll even put on their button when handed one as a polite gesture of respect.
Though no reporter interviewed me for the Associated Press article on the recent visit by a presidential candidate (Metro, July 17), the article may have left your readers with the perception that I am endorsing this candidate, as opposed to welcoming his visit to Wasilla. As mayor, I will welcome all the candidates in Wasilla.
Later that year, the Associated Press ran a story announcing Sarah Palin as the co-chair of Steve Forbes 2000 campaign in Alaska. Thus, the Palin-Buchanan story is a bald-faced and easily disproven lie being distributed by DailyKos and the Obama campaign to the major media outlets, many of who are buying it wholesale without doing even a little bit of homework on their own.
This particular and cutely worded DailyKos attack ("a fact which may alienate certain Florida voters") is much more insidious than just promoting a false story. As this piece at the "Volokh Conspiracy" proves, this is part of a blatant and false attempt by many, including the Obama campaign itself, to allege that Sarah Palin is, of all things, a Nazi sympathizer - in order to scare away Jewish voters:
"Palin was a supporter of [MSNBC analyst] Pat Buchanan, a right-winger or as many Jews call him: a Nazi sympathizer," Obama spokesman Mark Bubriski wrote in an email.
These people know what they're doing, and it's evil. And they don't care.
#23 She was vetted too quickly and McCain only picked her the night before making the announcement: Nice try, but as I've discussed above in #12 the real story is finally  coming out.
#24 She's still focused on Alaska not the fact the she would be Vice President for the whole nation: Silly. All I'll say about this is that this DailyKos attack item was written just hours after Palin was named as McCain's VP pick, and she is still, in fact, the Governor of Alaska. Don't worry, Kossites, she'll be plenty focused come November!
#25 She participated in a profane on-air attack against the Alaskan State Senate President and giggled at the word b*tch..: DailyKos complaining about vulgarity? Be still my heart...
#26 Like Bush and McCain, she can't admit when she's wrong: No. DailyKos and the media are upset because Bush, McCain and Palin never cower before them. In fact, all three of them are quite candid about the mistakes they've made.
#27  She's linked to the Dominionist movement and Joel's Army: The source is again another DailyKos page that seems to be just a simplistic anti-religious screed and attack. Heavens no! Those Pentecostal groups, out to destroy America!
If people want to be really shocked, I suggest they look into Obama's particular brand of Christianity - black liberation theology. Then get back to me on which is more frightening. Somehow I don't think that DailyKos and the media really want to go there...
#28 The United Steelworkers have already spoken out against her: What's this? A union whose coffers serve as part of the Democratic Party's campaign war chest is speaking out against a Republican? Stop the presses!
#29 She was a bad mayor who left her town's economy in tatters: The sources for this - more DailyKos pages. All I say is this - she was elected Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska for two consecutive terms, and was prevented from running for a third term because of term limits. In her first election, she beat the incumbent. In her re-election, she received 74% of the votes compared to 21% for her opponent. After leaving office, the candidate she endorsed won. Not too shabby for a "bad mayor". If she did such damage while she was in office, it certainly comes as a surprise to her constituents, who still love her.
#30 She supported Obama's energy plan, but suddenly these references are disappearing: Hey, people make bad choices every once in a while...
#31 Some of the PUMA's believe that John McCain is patronizing them: In a surprise, DailyKos finds one woman that feels this way, who also happens to post on DailyKos! After all, liberal women always feel that Republican males are being patronizing to them, don't they? I'm surprised that more haven't surfaced...
#33 This choice raises the issue of McCain's age (Is Palin ready to take over if he keels over): Leads me to wonder what, exactly, the Left has planned for President McCain...
#34 It also raises the issue of McCain's past unfavorable statements against women. Yep. McCain hates women. That's why he picked one for his running mate!
#35 Additionally, this choice reminds us that McCain is an adulterer and raises the spectre that he is just a dirty old man with wandering eyes: Hold it! How does this reconcile with #34? Either he loves them or he hates them - make up your mind! This is getting silly...
#36 Palin's husband is on BP's payroll creating a possible conflict of interest: Let's see, Sarah Palin's husband is a union steelworker (not a high-ranking executive) and the steelworkers union has already attacked her (see #28). So Governor Palin should therefore be promoting less work for steelworkers, not more? Just trying to follow the logic.
#37 She made extremely poor use of Eminent Domain during her time as mayor: This has to do with "fair value" of property seized by the City of Wasilla under Eminent Domain, and it appears as if the city did try to steal the land at a very low price. According to the article in the Anchorage Daily News, it's now going to cost the city more than the land was valued when the city took over the property in 2002, due to court costs.  I'll give this one to the DailyKos, but I'll also note that not many Republicans, conservatives, or independents are going to be too upset that Palin got her clock cleaned on an Eminent Domain case. I, for one, can't believe that the city couldn't have found another piece of property to build on, although I admittedly am not familiar with all of the aspects of this case. But I'll also note in Palin's defense that according to the article, it was a decision by all city leaders to go after this thing, not just her.
#38 She favors censoring library books (Alert your local librarian!): Lie, lie, lie! According to the Politico, Palin once asked a rhetorical question to a librarian - if she "could live with censorship of library books". I'm certain that the answer from the librarian was pretty clear. There is no evidence anywhere of Palin supporting or proposing censorship of any kind. Any allegation otherwise is a lie.
#39 Sen. Ted Stevens and Rep. Don Young (both under investigation) campaigned for her in 2006: Already covered above in #16, and I again point you to MSNBC's "First Read" piece on the subject. As for Palin and Young, the relationship isn't exactly close. Palin endorsed Young's opponent in the 2008 Alaska primary, Sean Parnell. And Ted Stevens is under federal indictment, not "under investigation". Since becoming aware of the pre-indictment federal investigations of both Young and Stevens, Palin has done everything in her power to get them out of office.
#40 She didn't support McCain in the primaries: Join the club. And thanks for showing such concern for the Republican Party! This fact helps to prove that Palin is just as advertised - an independent thinker, not a sycophant. But I guess the DailyKos doesn't want a woman on the ticket who thinks on her own.
#41 The top 2 ALASKAN newspapers question her fitness for the job: Again, this is just plain silly. Not only for the fact that the DailyKos uses a piece by Greg Mitchell of E&P as an unbiased source of information, but also for the fact that the media in her own state isn't supporting Sarah Palin. Don't they know that the media is all supporting Obama?
#42 She supports aerial hunting of wolves even though it was outlawed by Congress.  She's using a loophole..  Hat tip to Scarce: Where to start... First, the DailyKos attack uses as its source a Raleigh, N.C.'s news station blog post. How a blogger from a North Carolina TV station has any expertise in Alaskan wildlife management is left unexplained. That blogger then links to the true source of this attack, a story from the beginning of 2007 at the Defenders of Wildlife website: Defenders of Wildlife Asks Judge to Shut Down Palin's Wolf Bounty Program. But why is there a bounty on wolves? Because Alaskan wildlife management has been trying to protect the moose and caribou population! Wolves are a predator species, and if their population is allowed to expand too fast, they will wipe out Alaska's population of moose and caribou. The state needs to keep close track of the wolf population, which is why they are offering a bounty for each head.
Because of Alaska's vast topography, aerial hunting is the quickest and most efficient way of thinning the wolf packs. This is not sport hunting, it is a necessary part of wildlife management. Congress, in its infinite wisdom, didn't take efficient wildlife conservation in mountainous areas the size of half the continental United States into account when it decided to ban aerial wolf hunting, hence the dispute.
#43 and UPDATED- She's part of Feminists for Life and is AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL.  It would be awesome if someone asked her McCain's now famous "should insurance companies cover viagra/birth control" question: Yes, Sarah Palin is member of Feminists for Life, and she is proud of it. It's a shame that the Left is so intolerant of such people. As for DailyKos' claim that she's "AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL", that's a lie that even a cursory review of one of the articles that DailyKos itself links to while trying to prove another point (#14) will show. Here's the relevant quote from the Anchorage Daily News article:
Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career, education and her child. She is pro-contraception and said she's a member of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.
Nice try, but DailyKos should really read its own source material.
#44 Undecideds apparently don't like the Palin pick.  Thanks marabout40!: Ah yes, link to an Andrew Sullivan post on a Rasmussen Poll put up less than 12 hours after Palin's selection as McCain's VP as the definitive answer on undecideds during an election that's going to be held in November. When Rasmussen conducted the poll, most people didn't even know who Sarah Palin was. Oh well, we'll see how that pans out...
#45 More environmental problems - She fighting to prevent Belugas from being listed as endangered. Thanks again Terre!: Let's see, according to the information at the link supplied by DailyKos to support this attack, the National Marine Fisheries Service determined seven years ago that the Beluga whale was not an endangered species. Since then, Beluga whale numbers have expanded dramatically. Listing the Beluga whale as endangered would itself endanger Alaska's fishing industry, upon which many Alaskans depend on for their living. What's the problem with this, again?
#46 In addition to polar bears, belugas, and wolves, for the first time in Alaskan history she is supporting hunting black bear sows and cubs.  Thank you for the information Bodean: For this we go back to the Defenders of Wildlife website, last seen in #42. Here's the relevant quote, from the link provided once again by DailyKos:
Meanwhile, for the first time in Alaska's history, the Board of Game approved the hunting of black bear sows and cubs in an 11,000-square-mile area northwest of Anchorage where the goal is to kill 60 percent of the black bear population. Prior to this only male black bears could be hunted. The board also approved the trapping of wolverines in Chugach State Park, a popular recreation area on the doorstep of Anchorage.
It wasn't Palin's plan - it was the plan of Alaska's Board of Game, which I would assume has its own reasons for ordering the change - which I would again assume involve basic wildlife management. Off the top of my head, I would guess that the thinning of the black bear population is due to food supply reasons. It's more humane to kill the bears now than to let them grow and starve to death because there isn't enough food for all of them to survive. Wildlife Management 101.
#49 MEME: Palin's selection provides a clear example of John McCain's hasty decision-making and poor judgement on important issues (like who would be best qualified to take his place if he could not complete his term): Refuted, refuted, refuted. See #12 and #23. In fact, just re-read all of the above!
#50 She wants to destroy 1.5 MILLION ACRES of ANWR, not the 2000 acres she has lied about on the news: Now this is just getting silly again. DailyKos links to a NRDC map to support this accusation. One problem with that, though. The map, produced by an ANWR drilling opponent, shows nearly all of the development within the 2000 acres! What lies outside of the 2000-acre development you ask? According to the legend, a few roads, a few pipelines, and eight gravel mines at 150 acres each. Assuming that an ANWR opponent can be trusted (a big if, and there is a disclaimer on the bottom of the map stating that it's not drawn to scale), those roads, pipelines, and gravel mines in no way represents the "destruction" of 1.5 million acres of ANWR. Does DailyKos even read their source material?
#51 Palin stated "I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq..": Well, you know what, Palin's been a little bit busy the past few years running Alaska. But her son is being deployed to Iraq shortly. And she's still smart enough to align herself with the man and the party who wants to win in Iraq, not lose!

Well, that's that. As you can clearly see, the attacks on Palin are mainly sophomoric and without basis. Except for the complaint about "Eminent Domain" (#37) - I like that one.
The problem is that the drive-by media has accepted all of what DailyKos has written as gospel (the only kind that it recognizes). Because of that, it's up to the rest of us to refute these fifty-one (ugh) lines of attack, since most members of the media won't even bother to take the time to educate themselves enough to correct the Democratic Party talking points.
What have I learned from this? That it takes very little time to make up lies, but a lot of time to effectively refute them. I've spent just about as much time in the bowels of DailyKos as I can stand right now. I feel dirty - covered in the kind of filth that bathing doesn't get rid of.

141 posted on 09/04/2008 1:07:26 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Again and again- The Incomparable Anchoress:

McCain/Palin Button & More Obama/McCain/Palin

After reading the griping from the left that Gov. Palin was “too snarky” and “disrespectful” to Obama (who, if he wants to be president is going to have to get as tough as President Bush in the face of criticism), I asked Shana if she could create a new button, with the words “Audacity & Hope” or “Audacious & Hopeful.” She did a great job!

More Shana Buttons Here

I like that so much, I think I’ll keep it at the top of today’s “running post”!

Still Nosing About Sarah’s Womb: the formerly women-sympathetic left forgets that birth control doesn’t always work, and it’s none of their business, anyway. 4:14 PM

Toughest Days Still Ahead for Palin:
That would be Rove, who would certainly know something about that. 4:08 PM

The press is hurting itself yet seems or adolescently unwilling to change tracks. Suicidal. 4:05 PM

James Pethokoukos at US News: McCain’s speech tonight is “Do or Die 3:23 PM

Shana is the designer of the St. Hubert’s Rosary Bracelets you see advertised on the right sidebar. She is the mother of 8, a homeschooler, and like Gov. Palin, a “small town” lady who has some grit to her. She runs the bracelet business from home to help out. The bracelets, btw, bracelets are comfortable and tough - I’ve been wearing one for over a year and it’s still in great shape.

I have great advertisers. The Mystic Monk Coffee is the best, smoothest, tastiest coffee I’ve ever had; it’s all we drink ’round these parts anymore. If their products appeal to you, please patronize my advertisers! 3:20 PM

Palin a news Powerhouse | The Anchoress pinged back with Palin a news Powerhouse | The Anchoress

142 posted on 09/04/2008 1:31:22 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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37 Million Plus

In terms of this year’s conventions, the preliminary rating for NBC’s coverage last night is higher than any other night of the convention on the broadcast networks, including Sen. Obama’s nomination acceptance speech on Aug. 28.
Rush, (on Wednesday before the speech);
I think once this gets going, and as I said yesterday once this hits full stride, the Barack Obama campaign's going to realize what a loser choice it made in putting Joe Biden on the ticket, mark my words. There's going to be a huge reversal of this by the time this all shakes out. But why are they trying to force her off the ticket? If she's this big a trailer trash, and if she's so inexperienced, why not leave her there? She should be easy to beat, right? Well, that's the key. They're scared to death of her. They are frightened like they haven't been frightened in a long time. They thought they had succeeded in nullifying and eliminating the conservative wing of the Republican Party. They thought that they had succeeded in creating an impression among Americans at large that conservatism was in disfavor, that it was in a funk, that it was a minority, and here comes Palin, Sarah Palin just in her being, in her essence, simply destroys every myth and every lie that the liberals have told us that they want in women.
Posted by Kate at 3:08 PM | Comments (22) "Wow... if there's one thing Gov. Palin does is brings out the hateful, malicious qualities in lefites. Not that it's tough to do but she REALLY seems to have got them frothing at the mouth. If she was such a nobody then she wouldn't be a threat and there'd be no need for character assassination. But the left is running scared because their golden boy has been exposed as being anything but the second coming so the straw man arguments are coming from every angle."
"On my way to lunch, Rush played Biden's little speech last night where he promised to prosecute Bush administration if they're elected. This morning, when confronted by the Fox reporter, he flatly denied it. Rush played both the speech fragment and the denial."

143 posted on 09/04/2008 2:02:07 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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To: backhoe

Thanx backhoe! Marked to study later!

144 posted on 09/04/2008 2:25:13 PM PDT by Freedom2specul8 (Please pray for our troops....
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Behind Sarah Palin's smile is a savvy and fearless governor: Speech proves she's ready to rumble

Hugh Hewitt: The Palin Breakout, Part 4  “Finally, one of us”

Sarah Palin's perfect premiere

Palin Strikes Back at Critics (Highly Recommended!) -- She's a moose-hunting mum of five with a sledge-load of problems behind her own front door that workaday Americans can relate to.

Advice: Disregard All The Polls (Rush: Don't Pay Attention to MSM/Driveby Polls Alert)

 Polls today, Lisa, are designed to do one thing, and that's create news under the guise of sampling public opinion...for the editorial page to get its opinion on the front page

Gun Groups, Buoyed by Court Ruling, Are Working for More

Why Obama Hates America (from Feb 08 but needs to be seen) And, Sarah loves America. So does McCain...

Obama (on O'Reilly): Surge Succeeded Beyond "Wildest Dreams"

NEA invests big bucks in Obama's campaign

 Many small towns are seeing their tax burdens rise because of years and years of successful featherbedding by the teachers’ unions. In these towns, the school budget is a huge part of the overall budget—more than half, and the history of signed contracts bloats that budget. That, coupled with the endless programs for the “special”, make the school budget essentially uncuttable. Oh, they can squeeze a little here and there by letting the school structure fall apart, or skimping on books and labs, but not much.

new attempt at smear of palin

And, another!

Palin Asked About Censoring Books With Wasilla Librarian

More than 40 million people see Palin speech

Welcome Back, Dad [Michael Reagan]

Rush In a Hurry - September 4, 2008

On Today’s Show...

By choosing Sarah Palin, John McBrilliant has united this party, and given the conservative moment life beyond November. Biden, Harry Reid, Paul Begala, and other liberals lost their minds over Sarah's speech. Women rallied to her defense over attacks that she was "shrill." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Rush comments on highlights from Sarah's speech. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» Gov. Palin's Awesome Speech: Text | Video | MP3 Podcast | Streaming Audio

Pearl of Wisdom: "The Obama camp understands that Sarah Palin is what they can never be. No Democrat woman or male politician can ever pull off what she pulled off. She's the epitome of an ordinary American who has done extraordinary things."

» Megyn Kelly Nails "Us Weekly" (Published By an Obama Hack) Over Palin Smear
» Bitter Steinem: "Palin...touted all summer by Rush Limbaugh" won't attract women
» Alter: The Media Must take Out Palin » Henninger: "They have to demolish her."

Team Obama struggles to explain "community organizer" as an actual job after Sarah turned it into a national joke. Ordinary people run for city council and become mayors. They don't become "community organizers." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Pearl of Wisdom: "Tonight, Senator McCain, join the rest of us under the concept that we want to beat Democrats. Deemphasize the notion that America is hell-bent on two parties working together. Go back to 'bipartisanship' next week, but we're not interested in working with Democrats right now." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Gov. Romney (text | video) and Mayor Giuliani (text | video) were on fire last night.

The Clintons planned to sabotage Obama so Hillary could run in 2012, but Palin poses a dilemma. They'll have to stick with the plan, and deal with the other woman later.

Biden rips the story that he'll prosecute Bush officials, but we have video of him saying they will. He said he's never met with a lobbyist (not even his tainted lobbyist son). We have him contradicting that, too. These are more Neil Kinnock moments.
» ABC: My Son, The Lobbyist: Biden's Son a Well-Paid DC Insider
» The Politico: Obama Decries Lobbyist Cash; Biden Has Reaped It In

PBS commentators wonder: Will Palin's speech appeal to more than just Rush Limbaugh Republicans? They misunderstand this show and its audience yet again.

A Message for the GOP Elite: "We don't want to hear our views impugned and trashed by people we think are on our side. The country club, blue-blood Republicans are incapable of generating the kind of excitement we saw last night. The elites -- Republicans, Democrat, media, New York, Washington -- they're not our friends. We're in a war. We want to fight and win it." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Rush advises a caller to disregard polls at this stage. Libs just use them to make news.

Cindy McCain to Good Morning America: Rush is right! Sarah Palin is "a babe."

From Rush's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Obama-Endorsed Democrat Mayor Goes to Jail » Obama's Vanishing $ Advantage
» The View's Hasselbeck on Michelle (My Belle)'s List of Topics She Won't Discuss
» My, How Things Change! Newsweek Lavished Praise on Sarah Palin Just Last Year

Liberal Republicans Lose (Michelle Malkin: Death Dirge Of The RINOs Alert)


Attention Florida FReepers - We May Be In Deep Do-Do With Hurricane Ike!

146 posted on 09/04/2008 4:34:26 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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VIRGINIA POSTREL on Sarah Palin and Cowgirl Glamour.

Sarah Palin and Cowgirl Glamour

Cowgirl A couple of years ago, when I was still living in Dallas, I drove over to Fort Worth to see a costume exhibit at the National Cowgirl Museum. I grew up east of the Mississippi and as much as I love the American West, I'm a dedicated urbanite. So I'd never seen, or even thought about, cowgirls. When I heard the word, I thought of people like  like this. (It could be worse.) I expected the museum to be stupid.

It wasn't. In stark contrast to the ridiculous Women's Museum in Dallas, which (the one time I visited it) featured a strange combination of populist kitsch and social-constructionist feminist dogma, the Cowgirl Museum showcased women of no-nonsense character, pioneer (and pioneering) achievement, physical daring, and unapologetic femininity...

Sportschicks for Palin....BONUS! Actual footage of Sportschicks for Palin clinging to guns and Bibles at Coal Creek Armory after Wednesday night Bible study! (h/t to Unc.)...DOUBLE EXTRA BONUS!! How can you tell when a liberal is scared sh!tless?

He’s talking about Sarah Palin.

Country First

The best campaign slogan I've ever seen for a Presidential campaign - especially when you consider that his opponent has wrapped himself in a logo based on the first letter of his own name.

Open for your responses and comments on the McCain speech.

Posted by Kate at 12:19 AM | Comments (32)

Apparently, Ann and Nancy Wilson are suing the McCain/Palin campaign over use of "Barracuda"

-- well, OK- your 5 minutes of fame goes away, but suit yourselves...
The always-incomparable Anchoress:

Reactions to McCain’s Speech

I’ve been an imperfect servant of my country for many years. But I have been her servant first, last and always. And I’ve never lived a day, in good times or bad, that I didn’t thank God for the privilege. — John McCain, Sept 4, 2008

Sen. John McCain is not a natural at the teleprompter, and his speech was at least ten minutes too long, but he struck the right tones, and the last twenty minutes of his speech were humble, heartfelt and tremendously moving - moving enough so that the last paragraphs of the speech were drowned out in emotional cheers. I think he did what he needed to do. And I liked that both he and Gov. Palin talked about being “servants” to the country.

Glenn Reynolds has the full text, and his own reactions as well. I’ll excerpt its stirring conclusion, in case (like me) you could not quite hear it for all the cheering - all italics mine:

I’m not running for president because I think I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God.

If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you’re disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and work to correct them. Enlist in our Armed Forces. Become a teacher. Enter the ministry. Run for public office. Feed a hungry child. Teach an illiterate adult to read. Comfort the afflicted. Defend the rights of the oppressed. Our country will be the better, and you will be the happier. Because nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself.

I’m going to fight for my cause every day as your President. I’m going to fight to make sure every American has every reason to thank God, as I thank Him: that I’m an American, a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth, and with hard work, strong faith and a little courage, great things are always within our reach. Fight with me. Fight with me.

Fight for what’s right for our country. Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.

Fight for our children’s future. Fight for justice and opportunity for all. Stand up to defend our country from its enemies. Stand up for each other; for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.

Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight. Nothing is inevitable here. We’re Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.

He was clearly speaking from his heart, and I admit, I was inspired, and proud of my country, and genuinely admiring of McCain for his toughness and his humility. And once again (despite what the critics say) we heard, as we did last night, an invitation to all Americans, not to simply consent to be led, but to go out and lead, doing great things in small-but-meaningful and invaluable ways. Yes, I liked the speech; it was real. I think it is time to get back to some of the volunteering I’ve sort of gotten out of, and I will do that.

Kate at Small Dead Animals: It’s what makes his campaign slogan work so well

As Betsy Newmark seems also to note: McCain is at his best, and most moving when he talks about what this country means to him. I was struck also by this line:

I loved [America] because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn’t my own man anymore. I was my country’s.

Amba was moved by that, too

I liked Cindy McCain’s speech, too. Also too long, but authentic and heartfelt.

Four words Jim Geraghty did not expect to hear: “And they broke me”. I didn’t expect them either, and they shocked me. They also moved me enormously. Poignant. Humility like that cannot be faked.

Dirty Harry liveblogged the speech, as did the incomparable Althouse.

I liked his off-the-cuff moments, as when the Code Pink Clown tried to charge the stage, and he said, “don’t let the ground noise throw you off.” He also noted, America “wants us to stop yelling at each other!” Amen, sir.

Reactions - will be updated continuously, most recent first, so check back!:

Victor Davis Hanson: the last minute was WORTH the whole hour! Completely agree.

Professor Bainbridge has thoughtful comments bang out of the box.

Ace really hates Keith Olbermann.
This is not hard to fathom.

Gay Patriot is glad he followed his gut and voted McCain in the primaries.

Cobb’s got the cartoons going on

Strata: Also moved by McCain’s simple love of country, and his humility in confession he was “blessed by misfortune”

Megan McArdle liked the video

The Corner is mostly shrugging

MSNBC: Uses a Bush Derangement Headline.

Allah: …like watching Rosie O’Donnell and Alex Jones argue over who’s thinner.


Patterico: Shamefully exploiting female issues.

The Wide Awake Cafe pinged back with “That’s how it is with us.”
The Emotional Cripple tracked back with An Open Letter to John McCain – Re: Your speech...

147 posted on 09/05/2008 3:12:28 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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How Palin Beat Alaska's Establishment

Why Liberals Hate and Fear Conservative Women ^ | September 5, 2008 | John Hawkins

Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 07:07:39 AM by Kaslin

"The broader question if Sarah Palin becomes vice president, will she be shortchanging her kids or will she be shortchanging the country?" -- NBC correspondent Amy Robach

"How dare they question whether Sarah Palin has enough time to spend with her children and be Vice-President. How dare they do that. When do they ever ask a man that question? When?" -- Rudy Giuliani

Since Sarah Palin exploded onto the national scene a week ago, the American Left, including Obama's press team AKA the mainstream media, has engaged in a bizarre orgy of sexism, misogyny, and grotesque attacks on her family. Let's see, we've heard accusations that Sarah Palin, while she was governor this year, actually faked a pregnancy to cover up for her seventeen-year-old daughter Bristol -- no, really, liberals pushed this story for days. Then after Palin revealed that Bristol is pregnant now and therefore couldn't have been pregnant earlier in the year, the mainstream press spent a week cruelly using a 17 year-old-girl as a political pawn to get at her mother.

Then there were the Left's claims that Palin had posed for nude pictures and their suggestion that her first son must have been born out of wedlock. Of course, we also can't forget the fake bikini shots.

Additionally, the Left has also focused on Palin's husband and brought up a drunk driving conviction he had 20 years ago (We have heard more about that from the MSM than the fact that Obama has done cocaine) and the Associated Press went so far as to say that Palin's family are valid targets because they're in photo-ops.

All this is on top of the fact that we've been treated to a full week of claims that a woman who is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama is too inexperienced to be John McCain's Vice-President and worse yet, we've heard loud mouths opining that Sarah Palin can't both run for Vice-President and be a good mother.

On top of all that, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of conservatives seemed to be absolutely thrilled with the selection of Sarah Palin, liberals spent much of the week running "when did you stop beating your wife stories" speculating about whether Palin had been vetted or whether McCain would drop her from the ticket.

That's quite a change from the near worshipful coverage Barack Obama has gotten from the media for being the first black man to head the Democratic ticket or even the fawning reportage that Nancy Pelosi received when she became the first female Speaker of the House, isn't it?

But, a conservative woman makes history and next thing you know, her pregnant 17 year-old-daughter is a front page target only a short time after the very same media spent weeks blacking out stories about John Edwards having a love child behind the back of his cancer-stricken wife.

Is the sort of treatment Palin has received a surprise? Regrettably, not to anyone who has been paying attention to how liberals attack women on the Right. Let me tell you what happens if you are a conservative woman who catches the attention of the American Left.

You are going to have liberals openly discuss gang raping you. You'll be photoshopped with a fishhook in your mouth while liberals publicly call you the worst, most obscene things you can imagine. You will be photoshopped into pornography, you will receive death and rape threats, you'll get strange stalkerish emails, you'll receive demeaning, sexualized hate mail, and if they can find out where you live and where your children go to school, the info will start showing up on left wing blogs, comment sections, and forums before you can say, "We know where you live, lady." These sort of attacks are not unusual or out of the ordinary; to the contrary, they are standard operating procedure on the Left when they go after strong, conservative women.

But, what about the liberal feminist blogs? Don't they stick up for the conservative women? Oh, sure they do -- just like they stuck up for Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. To the contrary, the thing I have heard again and again from female bloggers is that the "feminist" blogs at best, turn a blind eye to the most grotesque smears aimed at conservative women and at worst, are leading the pack.

But, how can it be that liberals, who constantly pretend to be tolerant, enlightened supporters of feminism, regularly engage in this sort of crude sexism and misogyny?

There are three reasons for it.

First off, liberals believe that by virtue of being liberal, they can't be sexist, even when they say sexist things. Combine that with the feminists' willingess to turn a blind eye to misogynistic attacks on women who don't share their views and liberals feel like they have a free pass to say absolutely anything about conservative women. If you are a liberal, you can call Condi Rice "Mammy," say Sarah Palin can't love her children and be Vice-President, and post the home address of a conservative woman on your blog -- and you won't have to pay any price for it whatsoever on the Left. In fact, attacking conservative women based on the fact that they are conservative women will earn you nothing but plaudits and plugs from other liberals for "fighting back" against those bleeping conservatives.

Next up, the Left has a creepy, Stalinesque approach to individualism and politics. Unless you are a straight, white male, the Left does not seem to believe you have a right to hold an independent political opinion. Whether you're talking about blacks, Hispanics, Jews, women, gays, you name it -- if you're not a liberal, they're going to try to intimidate and browbeat you back into line or drive you out of the public arena altogether. If you're black, you're a "race traitor," if you're a Jew, you're a "neocon" who's loyal to Israel first, if you're a woman, then you're a sexually repressed Stepford wife who's not qualified to hold office, etc., etc.

Last but not least, because liberals don't think that anyone other than straight, white males should be able to get away with having political opinions that differ from Ted Kennedy or Howard Dean, they do everything within their power to absolutely destroy any prominent examples, that blast their stereotypical view of the world, to tatters. That's why the Left reserves their blackest hatred for people like Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and now Sarah Palin; it's because they're living, breathing, inspirational examples of people the Left is supposed to "own," who don't want or need liberalism to be a success. That, most of all, is why liberals hate and fear successful conservative women.

Sarah Who?

Convention Confusion .........(it took only two words, Sarah Palin)

NEW LOOK A GLAM SLAM! (Sarah's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" redo)

John McCain's warning to Russia

Obama, sensing potential trouble, looks to women to fight back against Palin

JOE BIDEN’S MOONBAT MOMENT (oh no, not another one?)

McCain ties Obama in new poll, Palin pushes for funds after big speech

Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC just said the internals for the Dems are much stronger looking than we’re hearing.

Consider the source- but this isn’t over by a long shot.

Trooper’gate: Different charges, new battlefield, and the planned October surprise

Liberal media attacks: Sarah, get your gun! ...(Watch out, boys. This girl's gonna get ya!)


Why does all this matter? Read...

China tested nukes for Pakistan, gave design

148 posted on 09/05/2008 7:01:26 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Dumbest Strategy in the History of the World: Riling Mama Bear


Lib meets reality...

Media on the defensive over Sarah Palin coverage

Speech Reactions Thred (Ace of Spades Hilarity) Website to Fight the Smears Against Sarah Palin

Breaking! Palin Power: Fresh Face Now More Popular Than Obama, McCain

New Poll: Sarah Palin's Popularity Surpasses Obama's

How To Force The MSM To Tell The Truth On Tazergate™


149 posted on 09/05/2008 11:27:32 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Yanks should give thanks for Sarah (Brit tab: "Unlike Barack Obama, she is the real thing")



Every so often things of astounding historical, cultural, and national significane happen and we are blessed to be witness to it and perhaps take part.

McCain Rallies His Troops for the Battle Ahead

Top 7 Myths, Lies and Untruths About Sarah Palin

Abortion-rights groups target Palin

Kill and Destroy [Jill Stanek talks about Barack Obama's support for live birth abortion]

Palin Has Not Pushed Creation Science As Governor

Rush In a Hurry - September 5, 2008

Obama begs Hillary to help counter Sarah Palin, but she's busy fundraising and campaigning for Senate candidates. The Oprah refuses to have Palin on her show. The NAGs attack! The bloom is off the Obama rose. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» Rasmussen: Palin Power -- Fresh Face Now More Popular Than Obama, McCain

» More Watched Palin Than Obama » Preliminary Ratings: McCain Topped Obama

Pearl of Wisdom: "When McCain said, 'I don't work for a party,' I shouted, 'Then why are you a Republican?' But he was authentic. The theme was consistent throughout this convention: country first. Sometimes the way he puts country first infuriates us, but he puts country first. It's not a slogan with him." (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Sarah hammers Obama on his opposition to the surge, and his refusal to acknowledge the obvious success our troops have won in Iraq. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

NAG Kim Gandy doesn't think Sarah Palin is a feminist. A caller weighs in. Don't get caught up in these labels and grouping. She's a real American woman. Period.

Mario "The Pious" Cuomo says Obama has "a new kind of intelligence." Yeah, like not being able pronounce Nittany Lions, and sending surrogates in the press out there to push the absurdity that campaigning equals foreign policy experience!

Where's your messiah now? Obama makes a fool of himself on global warming.
» Parody: Obama's "Community Organizer" Feng Shui »

The economy is a great opening for McCain to go on offense against the high-tax, high-regulation policies that force job cuts. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

Pearl of Wisdom: "Liberals create economic circumstances that force businesses to lay people off, and then liberals blame capitalism for failing. When the economy is strong, liberals want to grow government. When the economy is weak, they want to grow government. There is no business cycle in government. There is just growth."

Rush calls out media assassins by name as they snipe at Sarah Palin for Obama.

Liberals smear Todd Palin for flirting with a party that supported Alaskan independence. EIB archive: Obama and Biden both voted for Senator Akaka's 2006 bill that would lead to Hawaiian secession! (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)
» John Fund, June 12, 2006: Akaka Admits Bill Could Eventually Lead to Secession

We were disappointed with McCain -- were. But now he has Sarah Palin, and in any case, we can only live in the now, not in the past. (Rush 24/7 Members: Listen Here)

From Rush's Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page:
» Who Let Protestors into McCain's Speech? » RNC Drew More Hispanics Than DNC
» Conservatism Has Returned, Brooks » Chicago Murders Double Iraq Soldier Deaths
» McCain-Palin Draw Huge Crowd in WI » Intellectual Pursuits Result in Obesity?
» Professor Obama Taught Race, Gender, Rights » Maryland Proposes Monica's Law

Following ‘Caribou Barbie’

Code Pink Used Media Badge to Disrupt Convention Event(VIDEO)

Media: The Iditarod Idiot Is Headed To Alaska To Hide


How perfect is Sarah Palin’s First Dude? (Hit piece on Mr. Palin)

Photo of Obama and His Code Pink Bundler Jodie Evans Found - Freeper Help Needed


Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away’

Weathermen ghosts continue to haunt Obama campaign (Obama and Terrorist connected at the hips)

Obamedia Still Scrambling For Angle to Bury Palin


Crist on (Hurricane) Ike: Evacuations may be necessary

150 posted on 09/05/2008 3:57:53 PM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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Sarah Palin brings 'Palin mania' as McCain woos small town USA

Palin-Mania Sweeping Nation Almost Anything With Her Name On It Selling Like Hotcakes

As always- The Anchoress is incomparable, and covers more than Sarah--
READ THE WHOLE THING ( and use the links, dammit! ):

Reactions, Media “errors” and more

Button, button, who’s got the button? McCain/Palin merchandise is flying off the shelves.

Meanwhile, my pal Shana (she runs that rosary bracelet business in the right column ad) reports that she’s enjoying watching her buttons run huge numbers popular on facebook flair - not that I actually know what that means - but if you want to make your own buttons, while you’re waiting for “official” ones, these Palin vs Obama buttons are getting a lot of hits here.

Although I must say I like the look of the bigger, shinier McCain/Palin Audacity & Hope Button, myself!

11:39 PM

Campbell Brown invests two solid hours into bashing Gov. Palin? It’s the sisterhood again! (See my post at 9:37 PM)

Two hours of interviews with focus groups of supposed independent women who naturally don’t like her; an interview with the former state trooper Palin supposedly abused her power to get fired (he admits to tazing Palin’s 11-year-old nephew, by the way); interviews with a bunch of Alaskans who don’t like her (with an 86% approval rating that took some work); an entire segment — teased throughout the hour — devoted to exposing the truth behind Palin putting the governor’s plane on Ebay (Gasp, it didn’t sell on Ebay, but she still put it on Ebay Campbell)… And of course the new liberal media meme – being led by Roger Simon who practically broke down crying over it on Hardball – Palin must take tough questions from the same hostile, liberal, in-the-tank-for-Obama media who spent four days trashing her and her family.

Things got so bad Bay Buchanan finally called her on it. Brown responded by accusing Bay of using Republican talking points. Classy.

For two full hours it was segment after segment of the worst kind of attack journalism.

Because that’s done so much for their bottom lines, and their credibility, already. Also, let’s get some criticism of her parenting going, (H/T) because people appreciate seeing parents second-guessed and will not self-identify with Palin. My GAWD what idiots. See also. 10:26 PM

Gerard Baker, the man who brought you Biblical Obama now brings you, It’s Palin, Go West…

The very fact that Mrs Palin didn’t go to elite schools but succeeded nonetheless - the very ordinariness with which she so piquantly jabbed Mr Obama on Wednesday - is what will make her so appealing to Americans. And as a pro-life conservative she debunks in one swoop the enduring myth that all women subscribe to the obligatory nostrums of radical feminism.

But there’s more to it than that.

You’ll want to read it all. 10:10 PM

Can someone tell me what this is? I don’t get it. I mean, you know…on some things I’m dumber than on others. This, I don’t get. It’s above my pay grade! Help me! 10:03 PM

I dunno, this whole amorphous “community organizer” position and issue is getting weird to me. And, apparently, it’s a little weird to Sen. Obama, too. - H/T Larwyn 9:58 PM

With the Bigtime Official Women of Bigtime Official Feminism dissing Gov. Palin
, I keep saying, “so much for sisterhood;” we always knew it only existed for the “right sort” of women anyway. But…there is a “Sisterhood of Sarah” of sorts. Seems authentic, anyway. 9:37 PM

When I didn’t love Hillary they told me I “hated” strong women; now they emphatically hate a strong woman, but in my email, somehow I’m still a “resentful idiot.” Hey, I’m not the one who keeps changing the rules! Like…I thought tax-exempt organizations were not supposed to endorse candidates. Is that rule over? I always miss the announcements. 9:26 PM

I love this stuff. Other interesting archaeological finds you may have missed. 9:18 PM

Dr. Sanity: Oh, did you draw a line, there? 9:17 PM

Joke of the Night 9:16 PM

Astroturfing: It could also be called, try to prove a negative. But I like “astroturfing” - laying something down that looks fine from a distance but is fake, fake, fake. 5:31 PM

What does it take for Palin to get a correction from the Professional Journalists? Bumped up from 1:10 PM: The Fuzzy Math of the Press by John Ham, about all those social programs Gov. Palin has “heartlessly cut!” Um, except, no, she hasn’t. Lorie Byrd sends this along and says “the Washington Post still has not issued a retraction or correction…” Byrd hopes to help correct the record that the “mediating intelligences and gatekeepers” in the press are umm…skewing. I’m sure Lorie will have to repeat herself again and again, aren’t you? Nothing is simple in politics; especially not the truth. 5:22 PM

You must watch this video. You must. Religious Fundamentalism at its most raw and interesting!

I think our excessive dependence upon instrumentation does come between us and our instincts, but I can’t help thinking that if these people would just become Catholic and avail themselves of the free-and-strictly confidential sacrament of reconciliation, they’d have less need for this sort of exhibitionism and catharsis. I’ve always been interested in how the rise of the self-help movement mirrored the decline of participation in reconciliation.

UPDATE: Is it satire? I don’t know, but great satire is rooted in truth, right? We’ve certainly seen some like behavior from environmentalists (and other religious folk).

And yes, Carolina Cannonball does find the oddest most unique stuff! And yes, extreme environmentalism is certainly a kind of religion, with all of the over and undertones, the sins, rituals, sacraments and even the savior (in their case, Al Gore). And if it isn’t religion, it’s still alarmism. I’ve never been much for doomsday scenarios, myself. 3:42 PM

Identity Theft: For when you hate yourself, and the clown you’ve become. 3:33 PM

“Public Allies,” has anyone heard of this? 3:24 PM

Standing in the trenches, or the lines, today, to try to see McCain/Palin. $10.00 parking and I’m betting no press pictures of the crowds, but this blogger may post some later. More here. 3:17 PM

Making a cop’s job even harder. Because that works so well in England. 3:05 PM

Was Bobby Kennedy selfish to seek office? “Why can’t they take the time to demand that their side hold a woman to the same standard they would hold a man of their own party?” A different perspective and an interesting read. 2:38 PM

Revealing the bugs under
the rock of “tolerance”. It only counts if you’re the right sort of person to be tolerated. 2:36 PM

In the NY Times, it’s “Mrs.” Clinton and “Ms.” Palin
. Deacon Greg explains why (H/T Reader Ryan for the question). 2:32 PM

The Democrats Control Both Houses of Congress. just saying. In case you were wondering. 2:27 PM

Sarah Cruise-Missile? I called her an “alpha female grizzly” in the wee small hours. Some quotes from Hanson:

The Geraldine Ferraro Democratic Vice Presidential nominee appointment was an inspired stroke of genius that advanced the cause of feminism; Palin’s was tawdry tokenism.

Insulting “small town mayors” and “good looking” women is funny; suggesting that “community organizing” is often a farce is a felony.

Joe Biden bravely continued as Senator after the tragic death of his wife and daughter left his injured young sons with a single parent; Sarah Palin selfishly shorted her children by running for VP and endangered her infants by flying while pregnant.

Criticizing Clinton’s engaging in sex in the oval office and lying about it to the American people were once “the politics of personal destruction”; lying that Sarah Palin might not have been the mother of her 5th child is the mere overreach of the blogs caused by the improper vetting of the McCain campaign.2:20 PM

Someone must have had wild dreams of success, or they wouldn’t have planned it. More: Is Hope a Strategy? 2:14 PM

From Kesler: A rather intriguing video, an Iraq vet talks to Sen. Obama. The vet, Joe Cook, is one of those easily-denigrated “small town” people, who elect folks like Sarah Palin to be their Mayor and their Governor. More on Cook, and that small-town spirit and quiet heroism that is so “corny” and so “typically American” here. Frank Capra would have loved this story. And it has the added effect of being true. 2:02 PM

Jennifer Rubin: On the floor during Palin’s speech. Um, the convention floor. 2:00PM

A request for Anna’s Butter Cookies 1:41 PM

Bishops of San Fran:
Naaancy, you have some ’splainin’ to do!” Not all are impressed with the Bishop. 1:34 PM

More Palin fun facts 1:32 PM

Dumb memes: “Jesus was a community organizer; Pilate was a Governor?” No. He is Messiah, the One. Pilate was a Procurator. They happen every election, these dumb memes, but Treacher is clever about them

I think it’s a mistake for left or right to play these games, but here’s more: Bull Connor was a community organizer; Wallace was a Governor. Sigh. Gonna get ugly. Needlessly ugly. 1:27 PM

Another “quote of the day?: Pretty clever (Thanks, Lar) 1:21 PM

Lorie Byrd: Palin owes the Dems. Yes, it’s true. But I think the Dems gaining 10 million in contributions after her speech has kind of paid down that debt! Also, it’s very good that the Dems are putting this petty pique to rest 1:18 PM

Hey, thanks guys! That’s pretty nice! 1:14 PM

The Fuzzy Math of the Press: John Ham

Yesterday, Paul Kane of The Washington Post reported that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had “slashed funding for teen moms.” Kane based his story on a page from Alaska’s budget, which had hand-written line-item changes showing the amount going to Covenant House had been changed from $5 million to $3.9 million.

You can probably tell where this is going. It turns out that $5 million is the highball request for Covenant House and the $3.9 million is what Palin felt the agency deserved. As it happens, the $3.9 million actually represented a three-fold increase over the previous year. It was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a “slash” in the budget.

The Washington Post has not yet corrected this mistake, which resulted in The New York Times running the same mistake today.

As an editor for many years, I can tell you that reporters are notoriously poor at math, but this is getting ridiculous. It’s happened again.

1:10 PM

The Anti-Palin “October Surprise”: Wooten is such an unsympathetic character that the Dems will be using “Alaskan process” to try to hurt Palin. That doesn’t sound like ignoring her. More here 1:05 PM

Keeping count of who attacked more, Obama or Palin. Also, it goes on and on 1:00 PM

A 15 inch waist? Of course, as my friend Bev says, it does make her hips look big. 12:57 PM

Is Oprah afraid of Sarah Palin? Oh, come on, I’m just teasing because it sort of ties into this piece, and the question of whether Sen. Obama is afraid of Gov. Palin. And anyway, the Oprah people are denying that this is true:

At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates.

Good call, I’d say, especially when her initial steps into endorsing Obama cost her viewers and ratings.

Oprah is perfectly entitled to invite whoever she wants on her show. It’s her show. She’s also entitled to support her own candidate (although I wonder if someone will, sooner or later, talk about “in kind contributions” in the media) But much of her audience is comprised of people who are like Sarah Palin and who like her. Oprah is being careful not to alienate a large slice of her audience. That’s probably why, when President Bush asked her to go talk to the women of Afghanistan, she refused him, too. It was perfectly within her right to do so.

Ed Morrissey wonders, too, if Oprah is afraid.

I wonder if some of this is the Mickey Kaus strategy: “ignore Palin. Just ignore her, and we’ll win.” But I don’t get a sense that Palin is a woman who can be ignored. And frankly, ignoring her and closing doors to her just makes the Dems look, yes, terrified. 12:52 PM

Redemption for Peggy Noonan?: After writing the other day, “Gone in 60 seconds: Peggy Noonan’s credibility”, Deacon Greg finds her back in form in her review of Palin’s convention speech, and he culls this as his quote of the day: “She has the power of the normal.” 12:43 PM

Quinn again, begin again: Sally Quinn has demonstrated more than once that she is rather clueless about the household of faith, and about the sensibilities of the faithful, yet she writes a weekly column on faith for WaPo/Newsweek. In that capacity she throws up this travesty of a piece, displaying for all the world to see how utterly she lacks understanding of either the modern conservative woman, or those people of faith who embrace dogma and doctrines to enhance their understandings and worship. It seems to me if she’s going to write this column, she needs to actually get to know the sorts of people she’s writing about, like Catholics who mind when non-Catholics take communion and then lecture them about it (with a taste review of the Host, for good measure) or - you know, those mindless creatures: conservative women. Attorney Athena de Paul, ably takes on the task of responding to Quinn It is too good to excerpt fairly - you’ll want to go read it:

…after both conventions, it looks like this election is going to degenerate, as so many do, into an all-out culture war. It’s fair for you to raise questions, but the vitriol coming your way stems from the assumptions underlying your concerns (the naivete, the lack of integrity, the simple-minded understanding of the role of formal religion). It’s particularly galling to be called to account for one’s faith to, of all people, the founder of “On Faith”!

Quinn - and perhaps Democrats in general - should perhaps try to meet up and actually get to know some women like DePaul - maybe then they would put away the stereotype they seem to carry about conservative women, that they are all an amalgam of The Stepford Wives and Kathy Bates in Misery. 12:20 PM

Tensions at CBS last night, from emailer TK:

Last night there was an interesting moment in the CBS coverage: Jeff Greenfield (former RFK speechwriter) was underwhelmed by the McCain speech. And Bob Schieffer interjected, “Well, I have to strongly disagree.” And he explained, very coherently and sensibly, why it was effective and played well in the hall. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Interesting. I wonder if Schieffer will get the first big Palin interview for that? Hey, not being cynical, just asking! I kinda like auld Schieffer, as I’ve written here. 11:59 AM

Why 2008 is shaping up to be A Millenial Election, Complete with Savior and Devil Icons. 11:51 AM

Children’s books for the candidates!
This is a pretty cool idea! Your kids hear you jammering on about both candidates, why not buy them some books and let them “vote” based on their gleanings? If my kids were little, I would definitely do that. These both look interesting: Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and My Dad, John McCain. 11:50 AM

My Li’l Bro Thom sends appreciation of this little clip in the NY Times piece I cite here, “Advisers to Mrs. Clinton said that she stood ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged the campaign not to overestimate the impact Mrs. Clinton could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates.”

Writes Thom: Guess she’s got more important things to do now, huh? 11:47 AM

Melissa Clouthier on stale identity politics. 11:39 AM

Dirty Harry’s Place… pinged back with CNN’s Campbell Brown Doubles Down
Steynian 238 « Free Mark Steyn! pinged back with Steynian 238 « Free Mark Steyn!
Russ. Just Russ. tracked back with Words fail me...
Confederate Yankee tracked back with This is Your Brain on (D)...
Sarah Palin — The Blowback and the Instant Legend « New Wineskins pinged back with Sarah Palin — The Blowback and the Instant Legend « New Wineskins


With Palin, GOP Sets Sights On Suburban Women (The Values Moms Alert)

Palin Bumper Sticker: Today people began to notice it. :) (vanity)

Expectations of a Race War

Sarah Palin's record on environment is abysmal

Top 7 myths, lies and untruths about Sarah Palin
The thing the Left fails to realize is that Conservatives are better stewards of the environment.We are farmers, we are hunters, we fish, we camp, we hike. Who do they really think cares more about the land, us or a bunch of pot smoking hippies who are living in a tree partially to protest something but mostly because they didn't have the rent money and the tree is their new home.
The black bigot speaks:

Guess which card Obama pulled out of the deck today?

posted at 3:30 pm on September 5, 2008 by Ed Morrissey
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With both Rasmussen and Gallup showing Barack Obama moving backwards even before the Republican Convention dropped its balloons on Andrea Mitchell, one can excuse the Democratic nominee for hearing footsteps.   How desperate has he gotten?  Looks like he’s playing the race card once again:

“I know that I’m not your typical presidential candidate,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told executives and employees of the Schott glass company Friday afternoon, “and I just want to be honest with you. I know that.”

“And I know that the temptation is to say, ‘You know what? …The guy hasn’t been there that long in Washington.,’ You know, ‘he’s got funny name,’ You know, ‘we’re not sure about him,’” Obama continued. “And that’s what the Republicans, when they say, ‘This isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities,’ what they’re really saying is, ‘We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals or he’s not patriotic.’

Once again, Obama has resorted to a smear campaign against the McCain campaign.  They have never –never — even hinted that Obama has “Muslim connections”.  They have never made even a slight attempt to make his race an issue, despite this fourth repeat of this particular smear.  Neither has the RNC nor any mainstream Republicans.  In fact, the McCain campaign let go one staffer who only Twittered a link to a Jeremiah Wright video earlier this year.

If Obama wants to argue that some misdirected bloggers have made these kind of attacks, he might have a point.  But by that standard, the Democrats have attacked Bristol Palin, smeared Sarah Palin about the maternity of her youngest child, and questioned the mental capacity of John McCain.  If Obama wants to start making these kinds of accusations, then maybe he ought to get his own house in order first.

That’s not the only data point of desperation today, either:

Sen. Barack Obama ditched his normal languid cool today, punching back at Gov. Sarah Palin as he spoke with reporters in York, Pa, hotly defending his work as a community organizer. He said he assumes Palin “wants to be treated same way guys want to be treated, which means their records are under scrutinty. I’ve been through this for 19 months. She’s been through it, what four days?”

Obama’s hackles were clearly raised by Palin’s dismissal of his community organizing –a response to his earlier dismissal of her record as a small-town mayor. “Why would that kind of work be ridiculed?” Obama said. “Who are they fighting for?” The idea that community organizing is not relevant to the presidency, he said, just shows why Republicans “are out of touch and don’t get it.”

The Obama campaign was clearly on the defensive today, acknowledging how appealing Palin came across, and sending out surrogates hitting their talking points that Republicans have spent their time on attacks rather than substance.

Says the man who keeps calling John McCain the same as George Bush.  There’s a word for a man who can dish it out but can’t take it.  I’ll leave it to you to reach your own conclusion.

Bully? Or bigot?

"The fall of Obama is a tale we’ve heard many times before. Remember how Kerry was an unbeatable colossus with war-hero credentials to fool the hayseeds, and the MSM was swooning over his elegance and refinement? Or how Al Gore was a super-genius technocrat that couldn’t fail to win Clinton’s third term against the goofy cowpoke frat boy? Or how Dukakis was an urbane citizen of the world, into whose arms the voters couldn’t wait to swoon after eight horrible years of Ronnie Raygun’s jingoistic Fourth Reich? The higher they polled in the summer, the more the press insisted they were super-candidates, the further they fell. And this is the first time one of the Dem’s empty suits has tried to claim divine powers, so it ought to be a spectacular fall indeed."

"Sweet Jeebus on a dashboard. Look… mailman, veterinarian, art director, cable guy… Those are real job titles. But “community organizer?” That’s like calling yourself “tribune to the people,” or “man about town.”"

MICHAEL PETRELIS has the full text of the National Enquirer's Sarah Palin article. Not exactly John Edwards level stuff, but you can read it for yourself. Deceiver notes another difference. Stay tuned.

TALKING TO DAVID LAT about ex-Hillaryites for Palin.

Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote (Feb 12, 2008)

Hard facts on Obama's Social Security tax

I Can't Believe Nobody Gets This

Palin wasn't chosen to pick off disgruntled Hillary supporters (though she will to a degree).

She was chosen to pick off Democratic, blue collar men.

Think, people, think.

Posted by Kate at 12:16 AM | Comments (15)

The bogus Sarah Palin Banned Books List

By Michelle Malkin  •  September 6, 2008 12:01 AM

Photoshop: David Lunde

Palin Derangement Syndrome strikes again. This time it’s hysterical librarians and their readers on the Internet disseminating a bogus list of books Gov. Sarah Palin supposedly banned in 1996. Looks like some of these library people failed reading comprehension. Take a look at the list below and you’ll find books Gov. Palin supposedly tried to ban…that hadn’t even been published yet. Example: The Harry Potter books, the first of which wasn’t published until 1998.

The smear merchants who continue to circulate the list also failed to do a simple Google search, which would have showed them that the bogus Sarah Palin Banned Book List is almost an exact copy-and-paste reproduction of a generic list of “Books Banned at One Time or Another in the United States” that has been floating around the Internet for years. STACLU notes that the official Obama campaign website is also perpetuating the fraud. And it’s spread to craigslist, where some unhinged user is posting images likening Palin to Hitler. Here it is again.

The person who first spread the Palin smear is identified as “Andrew Aucoin,” a commenter on the blog of librarian Jessamyn West. West has done the right thing in keeping the bogus comment up and pointing out in her main post that “there appears to be no truth to the claim made by the commenter, and no further documentation or support for this has turned up.”

It’s a fake. Not true. Total B.S. A lie.

If it gets sent to you by a moonbat friend or family member, set ‘em all straight. Fight the smears. They’ve only just begun...From the Anchorage Daily News story that inflamed P.D.S.:

STACLU: “What the hell will they just make up next?”

Answer: A bogus tale of an affair. Debunked at Hot Air.

"Nutcase bloggers will have to find another smear against Sarah Palin … again.  Did you hear that Todd Palin’s former business partner tried to get his divorce records sealed?  Conspiracy theorists immediately began speculating on line that Sarah Palin — that vixen! — must have had an affair and broken up the marriage.  Why else would the partner suddenly act to seal his records?

As the Smoking Gun discovered, Scott Richter wanted them sealed — to protect himself from conspiracy theorists (h/t: William Amos):

Update: Charles Martin at Explorations has the list of debunked slurs and innuendo, and it’s getting pretty lengthy."

comments (81)

"...same trash, different dumpster...The upside is that this is how the Leftist media, politicos and Hollyweirds treated Ronald Reagan in 1980."

Here’s a... site listing all the lies told about Palin.

Lies are not only being told on the net and throughout the media but in Middle School! My daughter’s friend is spending the night tonight and my daughter told her I support McCain-Palin. Her friend told her that Palin is a racist.

"They are getting desperate. They’re in way beyond their depth. "

Palin Is Catapulted Into Starring Role (A Star Is Born Alert)

Palin is 'Ronald Reagan in a dress'

Yesterday I heard Laura Ingraham on the radio describe hearing a liberal radio host sneeringly refer to Palin as “Caribou Barbie”.  Sure enough, that’s also turned up as a demotivator (credit Melinda):


The Rush Is On For Palin, GOP (The GOP's Newest Hot Political Star Alert)

Sarah Palin – the Post-Abortion Trig-ger?

Palin on energy, Biden, and national security. CNBC interview on YouTube

Sally Quinn Does Complete U-turn on Sarah Palin

What was the question? Obama blames the audience for his inability to form a coherent thought.

There’s a chance he is about to become “President empty suit”. A good portion of this country is insane.

Chivalry Ain't Dead (Sarah, Hillary, the PUMAs and Obama)

 You should see the videos pumas made about Obama’s goon squad, voter fraud, intimidation tactics and vote stealing, despicable.

Obama thugs telling little old ladies at voting places, “Don’t come in here unless you’re voting for Obama”


14 Questions about Obama - Why Won't the MSM Ask/Answer?

And why does this all matter?
The World is deadly-

US warship confronts Russian military in ‘tinderbox’ port

Purported bomber warns Denmark of more attacks

-and death is so permanent. Choose wisely who leads the Free World.
Your children's future depends on it...

71% Of Obama Supporters Say Constitution Should Not Be Upheld

Girl Fight (Why Hillary's Flipped off At Obama's Clueless Stupidity Alert)

Obama - Amazing Audio/video Surfaces. Maybe he does think he's the Savior.


60% of Voters Say Supreme Court Should Base Rulings on Constitution

 I found the Pet Loss Grief Support Chat Room and that helped some.  It’s mostly empty right now but there are a lot of users in the evenings.

Killing Talk Radio

Ike looks like it could be heading towards the big easy.

 [Image of 5-day forecast of predicted track, and coastal areas under a warning or a watch]
Click Here for a Printer Friendly Graphic

151 posted on 09/06/2008 6:01:32 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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There's Something About Sarah


The new issue of the Weekly Standard carries an editorial and related articles on Governor Palin. In the editorial, Bill Kristol thanks the media for their frenzied assault on Governor Palin. Steve Hayes reports on how McCain found the right wingman.

Noemie Emery explains the importance of honor in McCain's world view and suggests that McCain, Joe Lieberman and Sarah Palin "see public life as a great western movie." Emery identifies the movie as "High Noon" (thus the cover above). I say the movie is "True Grit." Finally, In the most speculative of the articles on Palin, Jeffrey Bell meditates on why the left hates her.

Posted by Scott at 7:09 AM | Permalink 

We need to see the images of 9/11

Windows Vista: The OS About Nothing.

152 posted on 09/06/2008 6:53:58 AM PDT by backhoe (Vote Palin- for a Real Change...)
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