==What will Kansas high school graduates do when more of the top tier American universities refuse to accept students who have been been taught science based on Creationism?
What kind of wussy quesetion is that? What would you do if a publically funded university refused to accept you because of your race, religion or political philosophy?
You won't get far in science advocating thunder being caused by gods, nor disease caused by evil spirits.
Why do you think your personal idols and demons are any more suitable than those in a scientific setting?
A public university could not refuse admission bases on race, religion or political philosophy however, they could deny admission if a person graduated from a high school that taught them that 2+2=7
For now, the University of California has said that it will not accept students who were taught with Creationist texts, and I would expect that University of Michigan, Texas, Wisconsin, Harvard and Yale will do or are doing the same thing. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2061218/posts
Thus, Kansas high school graduates will find themselves hitting the book at S.E. Bufford County Community College.
You go get 'em tiger. The ACLU could use the money. Kansas has more than Dover.