Are you really as stupid as you sound here? Regardless of whether anyone died or not, the fact that republican headquarters, were shot at, burned, and tires slashed on buses, not to mention the times when republican headquarters were just attacked and damaged in 2004 warranted more coverage than they received. Your rude idiotic come back was uncalled for and a sure indication of your IQ level which appears to be several levels below normal.
He did have a point. There is a huge difference between a building getting shot at and a man getting shot in the chest three times. Of course a human being getting shot and critically wounded is far more newsworthy than what is not just a whole lot more than vandalism.
He’s just making a play on the fact that you stated “Republican headquarters” as opposed to specific individual members of the headquarters - as if an entity called “Republican headquarters” was shot at, which is of course, not possible.
No, there is no regardless of whether anyone died or not. You're trying to make a comparison between an inanimate object being damaged and a person possibly losing their life.
You are wrong.