I did. And it works fine. Identical facts will produce different outcomes by people in the experiment showing the supernatural origin of the mind.
You are the one who said that "Experiences differs from person to person and cannot be controlled for" and you will always assert that prior experiences caused the different outcomes. You are the one who asserts that there will always be an impact and that such an experiment cannot be performed. This is why your objection is unfalsifiable.
There's not anything wrong with the experiment. It can be performed and identical facts will produce different decisions as evidence of the supernatural nature of the mind. That much can be documented.
It is your assertion that 'experiences cannot be controlled for' and your assumption that they are the determining factor when making different decisions from the same facts that makes your objection unfalsifiable. It is impossible to defeat an objection that is unfalsifiable. Perhaps that's why you went there.
So what's the experiment?