You can fix the toofers, but really, if God really meant Mike Huckabee for bigger and better things, He wouldn’t have had him born in Hope nine years after Bill Clinton. Bubba peed in that well. Or at least he did something in it, anyway.
Huck makes a first good impression, he uses his sparkly personality to make a lot of headway. Some of the sparkle is a little put on if you ask me. But I am convinced that it isn’t a coincidence that he is from Clinton’s hometown. I think he likes Clinton more then he lets on. He uses his religion to throw people off. I think he is a Clinton Operative. People sometimes will over-look something if it is too obvious and say, “no it couldn’t be” but that is exactly what it is. Like when a wife finds lipstick on her husband’s collar but finds another reason why it could have ended up there. In other words, there is a reason he is from Clinton’s home town. And expect him to continue to jump into Presidential Races claiming to be just “another Conservative” thus splitting the vote. I think people need to face it, this is what is going on and quit being hoodwinked just because someone claims to be a Christian.